I Hear The Voice Of Jesus My Shepherd Calling – Hymn Lyric

Discover the guidance and protection of Jesus

I Hear The Voice Of Jesus My Shepherd Calling – Hymn Lyric

“I The Of Jesus My Shepherd Calling” provides a message of guidance and protection in the midst of ‘s challenges. Jesus’ voice, filled with love and compassion, leads us and upward towards greener pastures and calmer waters. With Him as our Shepherd, we can find safety, comfort, and peace in His presence.


I Hear The Voice Of Jesus My Shepherd Calling – Hymn Lyric

I hear the voice of Jesus my Shepherd,
Calling me onward, upward each day;
Jesus is ever leading the way,
Unto green pastures, by living waters.

He is my Shepherd, true, tender Shepherd,
And His sweet voice I follow each day;
Safely He leads me, tenderly leads me,
And from His side I never will stray.

Tho’ I may walk the shadowy valley,
Nothing can harm me, nothing molest;
Till I shall reach the homeland of rest,
For His protection safe-guards my .


He will not leave me, neither me,
Under His care I safely abide;
Yet in His secret presence I hide,
Tho’ the storm gathers darkly around me.


Meaning of I Hear The Voice Of Jesus My Shepherd Calling

I Hear The Voice Of Jesus My Shepherd Calling: A Message of Guidance and Protection

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves facing various challenges and uncertainties. But amidst the chaos and confusion, there is always a guiding voice that leads us towards greener pastures and calmer waters. This voice belongs to Jesus, our loving and caring Shepherd.

As the hymn goes, “I hear the voice of Jesus my Shepherd, calling me onward, upward each day.” It is a gentle and reassuring call that encourages us to keep moving forward, even when the path seems difficult. Jesus is not only our Shepherd, but He is also our true and tender Shepherd. His voice is filled with love, , and compassion, and it is a voice that we can trust and follow.

Just like a shepherd leads his sheep to green pastures and refreshing waters, Jesus leads us to places of abundance and peace. His guidance ensures that we are nourished and sustained, both physically and spiritually. In the hymn, it says, “Unto green pastures, by living waters, Jesus is ever leading the way.” We can find comfort in the knowledge that Jesus knows the best path for us, and He will never lead us .

With Jesus as our Shepherd, we can walk through the darkest valleys without fear. The hymn reassures us, “Tho’ I may walk the shadowy valley, nothing can harm me, nothing molest; For His protection safe-guards my footsteps till I shall reach the homeland of rest.” Jesus is our protector and defender, shielding us from anything that may harm us. His presence brings us comfort and reassurance, even in the most challenging times.

Moreover, Jesus promises to never leave us or forsake us. He is always by our side, watching over us and guiding us. The hymn proclaims, “He will not leave me, neither forsake me, under His care I safely abide.” This promise reminds us that we are never alone, no matter how or abandoned we may feel. Jesus is constantly present, offering His love, support, and guidance.

When the storms of life threaten to overwhelm us, Jesus provides a safe haven in His secret presence. The hymn beautifully states, “Though the storm gathers darkly around me, yet in His secret presence I hide.” In our times of need, when we are faced with challenges and adversity, we can find solace and refuge in Jesus. He is our shelter during the storm, our rock in times of uncertainty.

As we reflect on the beautiful words of this hymn, we can find strength and encouragement in knowing that Jesus is our Shepherd. His voice leads us towards a brighter future, filled with peace, joy, and abundance. We can trust Him to guide us through every twist and turn, knowing that His plans for us are good and perfect.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Hear The Voice Of Jesus My Shepherd Calling” reminds us of the loving guidance and protection we receive from Jesus, our Shepherd. His voice calls us onward and upward, leading us to green pastures and peaceful waters. He offers us safety and protection, even in the darkest valleys. With Jesus by our side, we can trust His guidance and find comfort in His presence. Let us continue to listen for His voice and follow wherever He may lead us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the guidance and protection of Jesus, our Shepherd. Hear His reassuring voice leading you to greener pastures and offering safety through life's challenges. Find comfort and peace in His presence. Follow His voice and trust His guidance.


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