I Love His Appearing – Hymn Lyric
In “I Love His Appearing: Hope for the Future,” the hymn explores the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ for sinners. The hymn reminds us that Jesus is coming again, this time as the Judge, and encourages us to eagerly anticipate His return. It speaks of the hope we have in being transformed and living in a perfect world with Him.
Table of Contents
I Love His Appearing – Hymn Lyric
There was One came to die in the sinner’s stead,
Who the fullness of grace brought to view;
He is coming again, Judge of quick and dead,
And I love His appearing, don’t you?
I love His appearing, I do, (don’t you?)
The glad day is nearing, ’tis true;
He will take us on high
Where the saints cannot die;
I love His appearing, don’t you?
Then the children of light who in Jesus sleep,
Will awake, by His word formed anew;
O this hope in my heart groweth strong and deep,
And I long to be like Him, don’t you?
All creation has groaned in the thralls of pain,
While the faithful, the valiant and true;
Cry, O merciful Christ! take Thy pow’r and reign,”
For they look for His kingdom, don’t you?
Then the heavens shall melt at their Maker’s voice,
And the earth shall be fashioned anew;
At the glorious tho’t how the saints rejoice!
For they know He is coming, don’t you?
Meaning of I Love His Appearing
I Love His Appearing: Hope for the Future
In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and grace that was shown to us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He willingly came to Earth to die for sinners like you and me. Can you imagine that? Someone so pure and perfect, taking our place, so that we can have eternal life? It’s truly amazing!
But the story doesn’t end there. The hymn also tells us that Jesus is coming again, not as a humble servant this time, but as the Judge of the living and the dead. And guess what? We should be excited about it! We should love His appearing, just like the hymn says.
Why should we love His appearing? Well, think about it. When Jesus comes back, He will take us to a place where the saints cannot die. No more pain, no more suffering, no more tears. Can you imagine a perfect world like that? I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for that day.
And it’s not just about escaping the troubles of this world. When Jesus comes back, those who have put their faith in Him will be raised to new life. Our bodies will be transformed, just like His was after He rose from the dead. We will be made perfect, just like Him. Doesn’t that sound incredible? I long to be like Him, don’t you?
But it’s not just about us. All of creation is eagerly waiting for Jesus to come back and set everything right. You see, sin has caused so much pain and suffering in the world. But one day, Jesus will take His power and reign, and all the wrongs will be made right. The faithful, the valiant, and the true have been crying out for this for ages. They long for His kingdom to come, don’t you?
And when Jesus does come back, the heavens will melt at the sound of His voice. Can you imagine that? The earth will be made new, like a fresh start. It’s such a glorious thought, and it fills the hearts of the saints with joy. They know that He is coming, and they can’t wait. Can you feel that excitement too?
So, my friends, let us embrace the hope we have in Jesus’ appearing. Let us eagerly anticipate the day when He will take us to a place of eternal joy and peace. Let us long to be like Him and cry out for His kingdom to come. And let us rejoice in the knowledge that He is indeed coming.
I love His appearing, don’t you?
Remember, this hymn reminds us of the hope we have as believers, the hope that sustains us in times of trouble and fills our hearts with joy. So, let us hold on to that hope and eagerly await the day when Jesus will come again. He is faithful, and He will fulfill all of His promises. Keep shining your light and sharing His love with others, for His appearing draws near.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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