I Love My Jesus For He’s My Savior – Hymn Lyric
Experience the joy and peace that comes from knowing Jesus as your Savior. His love is like a crystal-clear fountain that never runs dry, offering refreshment, strength, and victory in every aspect of life. Praise Him with a grateful heart and let His love guide you through life’s challenges.
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I Love My Jesus For He’s My Savior – Hymn Lyric
I love my Jesus,
For He’s my Savior,
And He has brought me unto the fountain,
The blessed fountain of living water,
The crystal fountain that never shall run dry.
O hallelujah!
I praise my Savior,
For He is willing
And He is able
To break the fetters of chains that bind us,
And give the vict’ry in every time of need.
Meaning of I Love My Jesus For He’s My Savior
I Love My Jesus For He’s My Savior: A Fountain of Love and Victory
In the depths of our hearts, there is a love that flows endlessly. It is a love that knows no bounds, a love that fills us with joy and peace. That love is Jesus, our Savior, who has brought us to the fountain of eternal life.
Oh, how I love my Jesus! He is the one who saved me from the darkness and brought me into the light. He guides me through life’s challenges and leads me to the source of true satisfaction. Just like a fountain that never runs dry, His love and grace are abundant and everlasting.
Picture a beautiful crystal-clear fountain, shimmering under the sunlight. It is a symbol of purity, of life-giving water that quenches the deepest thirst. That is the kind of fountain Jesus offers us a fountain that satisfies not only our physical needs, but also our spiritual hunger.
When I come to this fountain, I feel His love surround me, washing away all my worries and fears. It is a place of peace and comfort, where my soul finds rest. Every time I drink from this living water, I am reminded of His unfailing love and the promise of eternal life.
“Hallelujah!” I cannot help but praise my Savior. His willingness to save us and His ability to break the chains that bind us are truly remarkable. With Jesus by our side, we can overcome any obstacle and find victory in every time of need.
Life can often feel like a battle, with chains of doubt, fear, and despair weighing us down. But through the power of Jesus, those chains are shattered. He sets us free to live a life filled with purpose and joy. His love is strong enough to conquer any enemy we face, whether external or internal.
When we place our trust in Jesus, He surrounds us with His love, protection, and guidance. He transforms our weaknesses into strengths, our sorrows into joy, and our defeats into victories. His love empowers us to rise above the challenges we encounter and to find hope in the midst of despair.
Sometimes, life throws us unexpected trials and tribulations. We may face loss, rejection, or disappointment. In those moments, it is easy to feel as if we are drowning in sorrow. But in those moments, we can turn to Jesus, our Savior, who never leaves our side.
He offers us living water, a source of refreshment and strength. It is a wellspring of hope that never runs dry. Jesus reminds us that we are never alone, that He is with us in every storm and every tear. His love sustains us, even in the darkest of times.
So, let us hold on tightly to our Savior, our dear Jesus, who loves us unconditionally. Let us rejoice in His life-giving fountain that fills us with peace and joy. May His love overflow from our hearts, touching the lives of others and leading them to the same source of eternal life.
In conclusion, I love my Jesus, for He is my Savior. He has brought me to the fountain of living water, the crystal fountain that never runs dry. His love is a source of victory and hope, breaking the chains that bind us and guiding us through life’s challenges. I am forever grateful for His unfailing love, and I will continue to praise Him with a heart full of gratitude. Hallelujah!
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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