I Love The Lord His Gracious Ear – Hymn Lyric

Experience the comforting presence of the Lord through the powerful hymn "I Love The Lord His Gracious Ear" expressing gratitude for God's mercy and love. Let these verses guide you in times of distress and joy.

I Love The Lord His Gracious Ear – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever experienced the comforting presence of the in your life? The hymn “I Love The Lord His Gracious Ear” beautifully expresses gratitude and praise towards God for his unfailing love and mercy, encouraging us to turn to Him in both good and bad times. Through prayer and faith, we can find solace in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father, who is always there to guide us through life’s challenges with unwavering grace.


I Love The Lord His Gracious Ear – Hymn Lyric

I love the Lord, his gracious ear
Inclin’d to my distressful pray’r;
He heard my supplicating voice,
And bade my fainting rejoice.

For this, when future sorrows rise,
To him I’ll breathe my humble cries;
For this, thro’ all my future days,
Adore his name and sing his praise.

Death spread around his fatal chains,
To drag me to infernal pains;
I felt the agonizing dart,
And horror siez’d my trembling heart.

‘Twas then, in my extreme distress,
I call’d upon the God of grace,
Whose pow’r can death and hell controul;
Lord, I beseech thee, save my soul.

For ever gracious is the Lord,
For ever faithful to his word;
By sweet experience now I prove
His mercy, his unchanging love.

The Lord preserves, with tender care,
The weak, the humble, and sincere;
Low in the dust my hopes were laid,
But God appear’d with timely aid.

Return my soul, and rest
On thy almighty Father’s breast;
The bounties of his grace adore,
And count his wond’rous mercies o’er.

Thy mercy, Lord, preserv’d my breath,
And snatch’d my fainting soul from death,
Remov’d my sorrows, dry’d my ,
And sav’d me from surrounding snares.

Now I will walk before the Lord,
A witness to his word;
With faith and pray’r I sought his face,
My griefs were great, and great his grace.

No meaner help, no mortal art,
Could ease the anguish of my heart;
My hasty tongue, in rash replies,
Pronounc’d the words of men but lies.

What I render to the Lord?
Or how his wond’rous grace record?
To him my grateful voice I’ll raise,
And pour libations to his praise.

His crouded courts shall see me pay
The vows of my distressful day;
In life and death the saints shall find
Their guardian God for ever kind.

Thy servant, Lord, is wholly thine,
By nature’s ties, and bonds divine;
From deep distress and sorrow free,
Anew I give myself to thee.

To thee, with sacrifice of praise,
My invocations I will raise;
To thee my vows shall warm ascend,
While crowds the solemn rites attend.

O , in thy sacred courts,
Where glory dwells and joy resorts,
To notes divine I’ll tune the song,
And praise shall flow from ev’ry tongue.


Meaning of I Love The Lord His Gracious Ear

Have you ever felt the comforting presence of the Lord in your life? The hymn “I Love The Lord His Gracious Ear” beautifully expresses the feelings of gratitude and praise towards God for his unfailing love and mercy. Let’s delve deeper into the verses of this hymn and explore the powerful message it conveys.

The hymn begins by acknowledging the attentive nature of the Lord towards our . It highlights how God hears our cries for help and brings joy to our hearts in times of distress. This sets the tone for the rest of the hymn, emphasizing the importance of turning to God in both good and bad times.

As the verses progress, we see a shift in focus to the inevitability of death and the fear that it brings. However, the hymn reassures us that even in our darkest moments, God’s grace is our saving grace. Through prayer and faith, we can overcome our fears and find solace in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father.

The hymn goes on to portray the Lord as a protector of the weak and humble. It illustrates how God’s mercy and love never waver, even when we may feel unworthy of his grace. This serves as a reminder that no matter our struggles, God is always there to lift us up and guide us through life’s challenges.

The hymn culminates in a heartfelt declaration of devotion to the Lord. It expresses a deep sense of gratitude for God’s constant presence and unwavering support. From offering sacrifices of praise to making vows of dedication, the hymn encourages us to actively seek God’s will and spread his message of love to all those around us.

In essence, “I Love The Lord His Gracious Ear” is a powerful to the boundless love of God and the transformative impact it can have on our lives. It serves as a reminder to turn to God in times of , to trust in his unfailing faithfulness, and to praise his name for all the blessings he bestows upon us.

So, as you go about your day, remember the words of this hymn and let them guide you in your journey of faith. Trust in the Lord’s gracious ear to hear your prayers, rely on his strength to carry you through difficult times, and never forget to pour out your heart in gratitude for his endless love. The Lord is always listening, always present, and always ready to lift you up in his arms of grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the comforting presence of the Lord through the powerful hymn I Love The Lord His Gracious Ear expressing gratitude for God's mercy and love. Let these verses guide you in times of distress and joy.


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