I Love The Lord – Hymn Lyric
“I Love The Lord: A Hymn of Gratitude and Faith” is a beautiful hymn expressing deep love and gratitude for God. The psalmist acknowledges God’s attentive ear to prayers, finding comfort and deliverance in calling on His name. With trust in His mercy and justice, the psalmist pledges to walk in faith and gratitude, even in times of trouble.
Table of Contents
I Love The Lord – Hymn Lyric
I Love the Lord, because the voice
of my prayer heard hath he;
I’ll ever call on him, because
he bow’d his ear to me.
Ev’n when the snares of cruel death
about beset me round,
When pains of hell me caught, and when
I wo and sorrow found;
Upon the Name of God the Lord
then did I call and say,
Deliver thou my soul, O Lord,
I do thee humbly pray.
The Lord is very merciful,
and just he is also,
And in our God compassion doth
most plentifully flow.
The Lord in safety doth preserve
all those that simple be,
I was in woful misery,
and he deliver’d me.
And now, my soul, since thou art safe,
return unto thy rest,
For largely unto thee the Lord
his bounty hath exprest.
Because thou hast delivered
my soul from deadly thrall,
My moisten’d eyes from mournful tears,
my sliding feet from fall;
Before the Lord I in the land
of life will walk therefore,
I did believe, therefore I spake,
but I was troubled sore.
The Second Part.
I said in my distress and fear,
That all men liars be:
What shall I pay the Lord for all
his benefits to me?
The wholesome cup of saving health
I thankfully will take,
And on the Name of God will call,
when I my prayers do make.
I to the Lord will pay my vows
with joy and great delight,
Now at this very present time
in all his people’s sight.
Right dear and precious in his sight
he always doth esteem
The death of all his holy ones,
whatever men do deem.
Thy servant, Lord, thy servant, lo,
I do myself confess,
Son of thy handmaid, thou hast broke
the bonds of my distress.
Therefore I’ll offer up to thee
a sacrifice of praise;
And I will call upon the Name
of God the Lord always:
I to the Lord will pay my vows
with joy and great delight,
Now at this very present time
in all his people’s sight:
Yea, in the courts of God’s own house,
and in the midst of thee,
O thou Jerusalem: Therefore
the Lord our God praise ye.
Meaning of I Love The Lord
I Love The Lord: A Hymn of Gratitude and Faith
In this inspiring hymn, the psalmist expresses their deep love and gratitude for the Lord, who has listened to their prayers and delivered them from despair and sorrow. The psalmist reflects on the mercy and justice of God, who shows compassion and preserves those who trust in Him. With a heart full of thanksgiving, the psalmist pledges to walk in the land of life, proclaiming their belief in God even in times of trouble.
The psalmist begins by proclaiming their love for the Lord, acknowledging His attentive ear to their prayers. It is through the experience of calling upon God’s name that the psalmist finds comfort and deliverance from the snares of death. Even in the midst of pain and sorrow, the psalmist turns to the Lord, humbly praying for the deliverance of their soul. The psalmist’s trust and reliance on God’s mercy are evident as they believe in His power to rescue them.
The psalmist rejoices in the Lord’s merciful nature, emphasizing His compassion and justice. They recognize that God’s abundant compassion extends to all His creation. His love and care are not limited, but flow plentifully to those who approach Him with simplicity and trust. In their own experience, the psalmist testifies to the Lord’s preservation and deliverance from woful misery. Their eyes, once filled with mournful tears, are now moistened with gratitude, and their feet, once stumbled in despair, are now stable.
Having experienced the Lord’s faithfulness and salvation, the psalmist encourages their soul to find rest and peace. They fully acknowledge the generous bounty of the Lord towards them. The psalmist recognizes that their rescued soul is evidence of the Lord’s presence and protection. With a heart overwhelmed by gratitude, they resolve to walk in the land of the living, directed by their belief in God even in times of great distress.
In the second part of the hymn, the psalmist reflects on their previous distress and fear, acknowledging their temptation to believe that all people are liars. However, in the depths of their despair, the psalmist recognizes the goodness of the Lord, who has blessed them abundantly. Filled with gratitude, they ask, “What shall I pay the Lord for all His benefits to me?”
The psalmist, aware of their inability to repay God’s goodness fully, vows to drink from the wholesome cup of saving health with a heart overflowing with gratitude. They declare their intent to call on the name of the Lord in prayer, acknowledging His power and ability to answer. The psalmist commits to fulfilling their vows to the Lord with joy and great delight, promising to publicly proclaim His goodness and faithfulness in the sight of all.
The psalmist acknowledges the preciousness of the Lord’s sight concerning the death of His holy ones. They recognize that the Lord holds His faithful servants dear, valuing their lives even when the world may not understand their worth. With heartfelt gratitude, the psalmist proclaims their freedom from distress, acknowledging that they have been released from their bonds by the hand of God.
Filled with a sacrifice of praise, the psalmist declares their commitment to call on the name of the Lord and fulfill their vows. Their resolve to continue offering up praise to the Lord is a testament to their unwavering trust and love for Him. With joy and great delight, they join with all the people in praising God, not only within the courts of His house but also in the midst of Jerusalem, the city of God.
In conclusion, “I Love The Lord” is a beautiful hymn that resonates with gratitude and faithfulness. It highlights the psalmist’s deep love for the Lord, who hears their prayers, delivers them from distress, and shows mercy and compassion. The hymn serves as a reminder to all believers to trust in the Lord’s faithfulness, to rest in His presence, and to offer up a sacrifice of praise regardless of the circumstances. May these heartfelt words of praise and thanksgiving inspire us to love and honor the Lord in all aspects of our lives.
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