I Love The Voice Divine That Speaks – Hymn Lyric

Discover the soothing power of God's voice in "I Love The Voice Divine That Speaks". Find peace

I Love The Voice Divine That Speaks – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “I The Voice Divine That Speaks” reflects the comfort and found in ‘s word, healing and to those who listen. God’s love and mercy are like a soothing balm for our souls, us towards true happiness and fulfillment. When we seek God’s voice, we find peace and rest, allowing His presence to calm our anxious hearts and lead us on the path to everlasting hope.


I Love The Voice Divine That Speaks – Hymn Lyric

I love the voice divine that speaks
The words of life and peace,
That bids the penitent rejoice,
And sin and cease.

No healing balm on earth like this,
Can cheer the contrite heart;
No flattering dreams of earthly bliss
Such pure delight impart.

How merciful and kind Thou art
goodness to reveal;
Bind up, O Lord, the broken heart,
The wounded heal.

Let Thy bright presence, Lord, restore
Peace to the anxious breast;
Conduct me in the path that leads
To everlasting rest.


Meaning of I Love The Voice Divine That Speaks

The hymn “I Love The Voice Divine That Speaks” captures the deep sense of comfort and peace that comes from hearing God’s word. It highlights the healing power of God’s message, bringing joy to the repentant and soothing the sorrowful heart.

When we take the time to listen to the voice of God, we open ourselves up to a world of love, mercy, and . God’s words are like a soothing balm for our souls, providing us with the comfort and reassurance we need in times of trouble. In a world filled with distractions and noise, the voice of God cuts through the chaos, bringing clarity and peace to our hearts.

There is no greater joy than experiencing the goodness and mercy of God. His love knows no bounds, and His grace is always available to those who seek it. When we come to God with a contrite heart, He is quick to forgive and restore us, showing us the way to true happiness and fulfillment.

It is in God’s presence that we find true peace and rest. In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, God’s presence brings a sense of calm and security to our anxious hearts. He guides us on the path to everlasting rest, leading us towards a life filled with hope and promise.

As we meditate on the words of this hymn, let us be reminded of the power and beauty of God’s voice. Let us open our hearts to His message of love and redemption, allowing Him to heal our wounds and restore our spirits. May we always seek the voice divine that speaks, finding joy and peace in His everlasting presence.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the soothing power of God's voice in I Love The Voice Divine That Speaks. Find peace, healing, and joy in His merciful words. Experience true rest and comfort in His presence.


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