I Love To Sing Of That Great Power – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful hymn

I Love To Sing Of That Great Power – Hymn Lyric

“I Love To Sing Of That Great Power” is a hymn that celebrates the incredible sacrifice of Jesus, the love of God, and the hope of Heaven. It reminds us of the power we have in our faith and the assurance that we are not alone in this world. Let us raise our voices and sing with gratitude, for this hymn reminds us that Jesus for you and me.


I Love To Sing Of That Great Power – Hymn Lyric

I love to sing of that great Pow’r
That made the earth and ,
But better still I love to sing,
That “Jesus died for me.”

He died for you and me,
From sin to set us ;
I love to sing the glorious song,
That “Jesus died for me.”

I love to sing of God and heav’n,
And all its purity;
God is my Father, heav’n my home,
For “Jesus died for me.” [Chorus]

And when I reach that happy place,
From all temptation free,
I’ll sing the song,
That “Jesus died for me.” [Chorus]    

Meaning of I Love To Sing Of That Great Power

I Love To Sing Of That Great Power: A Hymn of Faith and Redemption

In the world we live in, where troubles and uncertainties often surround us, it’s comforting to that there is a power greater than ourselves. A power that not only created the earth and sea, but a power that also cares deeply for us, as individuals. This hymn beautifully reminds us of that power, and why we should be grateful for it.

The opening verse of the hymn captures the essence of what it means to have faith, to believe in something greater than ourselves. It tells us of the amazing power that brought the world into existence, a power that we can’t fully comprehend, yet it is a power that we can still sing about and celebrate. It’s easy to get caught up in the awe and wonder of the natural world, and this verse encourages us to marvel at the power behind it all.

But there’s something even more incredible to sing about, and that’s the fact that “Jesus died for me”. Those words hold such profound meaning and are at the core of the Christian faith. Jesus, the of God, gave his life as a sacrifice to set us free from the chains of sin. It’s a powerful message that resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds.

The chorus of the hymn beautifully sums up this truth – that Jesus did not just die for me, but for you and for everyone. His sacrifice was not exclusive to one person, but rather was meant to bring to all. It’s a message of love and inclusivity, one that reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. This is a chorus that we can all join in and sing with joy.

As we to sing this hymn, the second verse invites us to think about God and Heaven. It reminds us that God is our Father, and that Heaven is our eternal home. This idea brings a sense of and security, knowing that we are loved and cared for by a presence. It’s a reminder that we are not just temporary inhabitants of this world, but rather we are part of an eternal plan.

And finally, the hymn takes us to a place of hope and anticipation. It speaks of reaching a happy place, free from temptation and pain. It’s a vision of an everlasting song, one that we will sing for eternity. It’s a beautiful image that fills our hearts with joy and gratitude. Knowing that Jesus died for us gives us hope for the future and reassures us that there is something greater waiting for us beyond this life.

In conclusion, “I Love To Sing Of That Great Power” is a hymn that celebrates the incredible sacrifice of Jesus, the love of God, and the hope of Heaven. It’s a hymn that reminds us of the power we have in our faith and the assurance that we are not alone in this world. So, let us raise our voices and sing with gratitude, for this hymn reminds us of the ultimate act of love – that Jesus died for you and me.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful hymn, I Love To Sing Of That Great Power, celebrating Jesus' sacrifice and the hope it brings. Join in and sing of this incredible love!


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