I Love To Wait At Mercys Gate – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and joy waiting at Mercy's Gate. Discover the power of prayer

I Love To Wait At Mercys Gate – Hymn Lyric

I Love to Wait at ‘s Gate: Finding Comfort and Joy in Prayer Waiting at mercy’s gate brings comfort and joy as it connects us to something greater. This hymn captures , reminding us that our are heard and answered. It emphasizes the all-seeing nature of our Savior and offers hope for a future beyond this . Waiting at mercy’s gate reminds us of the importance of faith, trust, and the solace we find in the presence of our .


I Love To Wait At Mercys Gate – Hymn Lyric

I love to wait at mercy’s gate,
In lowly faith and pray’r;
He hears my voice, and I rejoice
To find my Saviour there.

The mercy seat! by faith I meet
My Lord who comes to me;
But when the breaks on my sight,
His face my eyes will see.

No thought or sigh escapes His eye,
He watches o’er my ways;
My pray’r is heard, and at His word
My mouth is filled with praise.


The mercy seat my soul will greet,
In sunshine or in woe,
Till life is fled, and I shall tread
Beyond the Jordan’s flow.


Meaning of I Love To Wait At Mercys Gate

I Love to Wait at Mercy’s Gate: Finding Comfort and Joy in Prayer

In life, we often find ourselves waiting for something. Waiting for a friend to arrive, waiting for a movie to start, or waiting for summer vacation. However, there is one waiting that brings me the most comfort and joy – waiting at mercy’s gate. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of this sentiment.

As I wait at mercy’s gate, my heart is filled with a humble and faithful anticipation. It is in this moment that I feel connected to something greater than myself. I am reminded of the power of prayer and the comfort it brings to my soul. It is through prayer that I am able to communicate with my Lord, and in return, He listens and answers.

The hymn emphasizes the compassionate and all-seeing nature of my Savior. It assures me that nothing goes unnoticed by Him. No thought or sigh escapes His eye. This thought brings me great reassurance and a sense of security. It reminds me that I am never alone in this world, that there is always someone watching over me.

In times of uncertainty and doubt, I find solace in knowing that my prayers are heard. The hymn brings to light the power of God’s word. At His command, my prayers are answered, and my mouth is filled with praise. Through prayer, I am able to find the strength and guidance to navigate life’s challenges.

The mercy seat mentioned in the hymn symbolizes a place where I can find solace and support, regardless of the circumstances. It is a place where I can lay my burdens down and find comfort in the presence of my Lord. This image resonates deeply with me, as it reminds me that I am never alone in my trials. Whether I am facing sunshine or woe, the mercy seat is there to greet my soul.

As the hymn continues, it speaks of a future beyond the Jordan’s flow. This imagery alludes to the concept of life beyond . It reminds me that my waiting at mercy’s gate is not limited to this earthly existence. Instead, it extends into , where I will be reunited with my Lord and see His face. The anticipation of this moment fills me with hope and joy.

In the search for comfort and meaning in life, waiting at mercy’s gate offers a sense of belonging and purpose. It encourages me to have faith and trust that my prayers are heard, even in times when it feels like my voice is unheard. It reminds me that there is power in waiting, in faithfully seeking the presence of my Lord.

Through this hymn, I am reminded of the importance of prayer in my life. It serves as a reminder that my Savior is always there, ready to and offer guidance. It instills in me a sense of awe and gratitude for the mercy and love I receive through prayer.

In conclusion, waiting at mercy’s gate is a practice that brings me immense comfort and joy. It reminds me of the power of prayer and the constant presence of my Lord. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of this sentiment, emphasizing the compassionate nature of my Savior and the power of His word. I am eternally for the opportunity to wait at mercy’s gate and find solace in the presence of my Lord. May this hymn inspire others to seek comfort and guidance through prayer, and may it serve as a reminder of the eternal hope that awaits us beyond this earthly existence.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort and joy waiting at Mercy's Gate. Discover the power of prayer, the all-seeing nature of my Savior, and the solace found in His presence. Seek comfort and guidance through prayer and discover eternal hope.


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