I Will Love The Lord For He From Eternity Loved Me – Hymn Lyric

Discover the heartfelt hymn "I Will Love The Lord For He From Eternity Loved Me." Explore the lyrics and meaning behind this beloved song of devotion and gratitude. Deepen your love for the Lord and embrace His boundless love for you.

I Will Love The Lord For He From Eternity Loved Me – Hymn Lyric

Get ready to be moved by the beautiful “I Will Love The Lord For He From Eternity Loved Me.” This hymn expresses deep gratitude for God’s eternal love and sacrifice, as well as a desire to reciprocate that love. It reminds us to love God with all our heart, mind, , and strength, knowing that His love for us is what binds us to Him.


I Will Love The Lord For He From Eternity Loved Me – Hymn Lyric

I will love the Lord; for He
From eternity loved me;
I will love the Lord, who gave
His own Son my soul to save,
And sends down, in love divine,
His good Spirit to strive with mine.

I will love the Son; for He
Loved, and gave Himself for me;
I will love Him on his cross,
And for Him count all things loss;
I will love Him on his throne,
When I as I am known.

I will love the Spirit; for He
Deigns in love to dwell with me;
I will love Him on my knees,
Helping mine infirmities,
Till my joyful lips record
“Abba, Father!” “Jesus, Lord!”

, o’er all for ever blest,
One, true, only God confest,
I would love, with heart and mind,
Soul and strength;–but what can bind,
O my God! my love to thee!
This alone, Thy love to me.


Meaning of I Will Love The Lord For He From Eternity Loved Me

Are you searching for a hymn that embodies the love and devotion we should have for the Lord? Look no further than the beautiful hymn “I Will Love The Lord For He From Eternity Loved Me.” In this hymn, the lyrics express a deep gratitude for God’s love and sacrifice, as well as a desire to reciprocate that love. Let’s dive into the meaning behind these heartfelt verses and explore why this hymn is so beloved among believers.

The first verse declares, “I will love the Lord; for He, from eternity, loved me.” This line immediately sets the tone for the entire hymn – a heartfelt commitment to love God in return for the love He has shown us. It reminds us that God’s love for us is not a recent development, but rather something that has been present from the very beginning of time. This realization should fill us with awe and gratitude.

The next line continues, “I will love the Lord, who gave His own Son my soul to save.” Here, the hymn emphasizes the sacrificial love of God through Jesus Christ. We are reminded of John 3:16, which says, “For God so loved the that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” This incredible act of love should ignite a response within us to love God with all our hearts.

Furthermore, the hymn acknowledges that God continues to demonstrate His love for us. It states, “And sends down, in love divine, His good Spirit to strive with mine.” This verse highlights the intimate relationship we can have with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God dwells within us, guiding us and helping us through life’s challenges. This realization should deepen our love for the Lord as we recognize His constant presence and support.

The second verse shifts focus to Jesus Christ and His role in our lives. It proclaims, “I will love the Son; for He loved, and gave Himself for me.” This line recalls the ultimate act of love – Jesus laying down His life on the cross for our salvation. It reminds us that love requires sacrifice, and we should be willing to count all things as loss in comparison to our love for Him. In remembering Jesus’ sacrifice, our hearts are moved to love Him more deeply.

The hymn continues, “I will love Him on His cross” and “I will love Him on His throne, when I know as I am known.” These express a commitment to love Jesus in both His suffering and His . It reminds us that our love for Him should not be limited to specific circumstances but should encompass every aspect of His life – past, present, and future. Whether we are reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice or recognizing His glory and authority, our love for Him should be unwavering.

The focus then shifts to the Holy Spirit in the third verse. It proclaims, “I will love the Spirit, for He deigns in love to dwell with me.” This verse highlights the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit and His willingness to come alongside us. The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses and intercedes for us when we do not know how to pray. This companionship should evoke a deep sense of love and gratitude within us.

The next line continues, “I will love Him on my knees, helping mine infirmities.” This verse acknowledges the role of prayer in our relationship with the Holy Spirit. It reminds us that through prayer, we can receive strength and help in our times of . It encourages us to approach God with an open heart and a humble spirit, trusting in His faithfulness and love.

The final line of the hymn brings everything full circle. It declares, “Thee, o’er all, forever blessed, One, true, only God confessed, I would love, with heart and mind, soul and strength – but what can bind, O my God! my love to thee? This alone, Thy love to me.” This powerful ending reminds us that our love for God is a response to His love for us. It is His love that binds us to Him and compels us to love Him in return. We recognize that we are unable to fully love Him on our own, and it is His love poured out into our lives that enables us to respond with love and devotion.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Will Love The Lord For He From Eternity Loved Me” beautifully expresses our desire to love God in response to His overwhelming love for us. It reminds us of God’s love displayed through Jesus’ sacrifice and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. This hymn serves as a reminder to love God with every aspect of our being – heart, mind, soul, and strength. Ultimately, it is God’s love for us that fuels our love for Him. May this hymn to inspire and encourage believers to deepen their love for the Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the heartfelt hymn I Will Love The Lord For He From Eternity Loved Me. Explore the lyrics and meaning behind this beloved song of devotion and gratitude. Deepen your love for the Lord and embrace His boundless love for you.


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