I Will Walk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

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I Will Walk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“I Will Walk With ” is a that beautifully expresses the comfort and reassurance of having someone to accompany us on life’s journey. By choosing to walk with Jesus, we find guidance, , and strength that surpasses earthly companionship. Through and devotion, we can trust in His unwavering care and follow His lead day by day.


I Will Walk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I will walk with Jesus, for I dare not walk alone,
He will guide my feet along the way;
I will do His bidding, for His love my has won,
He is my companion day by day.

I will follow where He leads me,
I will follow day by day;
I have bid this world adieu, and my journey I’ll pursue;
I will follow all the way.

He will lead me gently all along the narrow way,
Tho’ the way be as the trackless sea;
And amid the I can hear Him sweetly say,
“I will ever love and care for thee.” [Chorus]

In severest trials when the way I cannot see,
And the clouds seem low’ring in the sky;
I will never falter but will gladly haste to Thee,
For I know that Thou art always nigh. [Chorus]    

Meaning of I Will Walk With Jesus

I Will Walk With Jesus: Finding Guidance, Love, and Strength in a Faithful Journey

In a world full of uncertainties and challenges, finding someone to walk alongside us can bring comfort and reassurance. The hymn “I Will Walk With Jesus” beautifully captures the essence of this sentiment, reminding us that we don’t have to navigate the journey of life alone. With faith and devotion, we can find solace in knowing that Jesus will guide our steps, offer love, and provide unwavering care.

Walking with Jesus means more than just physical steps; it signifies a spiritual journey, a deep connection with our . As the hymn suggests, when we walk with Jesus, we can dare to face life’s obstacles, for we know we are not alone. With His guidance, we can trust that our feet will be directed along the right path. Jesus is the compass that points us in the right direction, ensuring we stay on track even when the way seems unclear.

As we follow Jesus, we understand His love for us. His love surpasses all, nurturing our hearts and showering us with grace. We are reminded that His love is a powerful force that motivates and compels us to do His bidding. Jesus’s love has won our hearts, causing us to the ways of this world and embark on a journey that aligns with His teachings and commandments.

The chorus of the hymn echoes our commitment to following Jesus faithfully, day by day. It emphasizes our decision to bid this temporal world adieu as we pursue a higher purpose and strive to live a life that is pleasing to Him. By embracing this mindset, we choose to align ourselves with Jesus and submit to His will in every aspect of our lives.

Walking with Jesus does not guarantee a life without trials and hardships. In fact, the hymn acknowledges that there will be times when the path becomes obscure, as if walking through a dark and stormy sea. However, even in these difficult moments, Jesus promises to be our guiding and source of comfort. His presence is a beacon of hope that cuts through the clouds of despair, assuring us that He is by our side, ready to love and care for us.

In the face of trials, we are encouraged not to falter but to eagerly seek solace in Jesus. Rather than becoming discouraged and giving up, we are reminded to turn to Him with open arms. Our faith compels us to place our trust in Him, confident in His infinite wisdom and power. We can take comfort in knowing that Jesus is always near, ready to lead, guide, and protect us.

The message of this hymn is timeless and universal, transcending age, language, and societal divisions. Regardless of our individual circumstances, we can all benefit from walking with Jesus. Whether we are in the seventh grade, entering adolescence, or even in the later stages of life, the call to follow Him applies to each one of us. Jesus’s love is unconditional and all-encompassing, perfectly suited to embrace us wherever we may find ourselves on our life’s journey.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Will Walk With Jesus” encapsulates the essence of finding guidance, love, and strength in a faithful journey. By choosing to walk with Jesus, we embark on a path that offers more than earthly company can provide. We gain an unwavering companion whose love surpasses all, guiding us through life’s uncertainties and providing solace in times of darkness. Let us embrace the invitation to follow Jesus day by day, knowing that He will faithfully lead and care for us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find guidance, love, and strength in a faithful journey as you walk with Jesus. Discover the comfort of knowing you're not alone in life's challenges. Follow Him day by day and experience His unwavering care.


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