If It Be True That The Father So Loved – Hymn Lyric
In the poem “If It Be True That The Father So Loved,” we are reminded of the unconditional love God has for us, as shown through the sacrifice of His Son. This profound love offers us forgiveness, peace, and abundant life, inviting us to share this wondrous news with others who are in need of hope and healing. Let us embrace this message and live as beacons of love and grace, spreading the light of redemption to all who cross our paths.
Table of Contents
If It Be True That The Father So Loved – Hymn Lyric
If it be true that the Father so loved
A world lost in sin and despair,
That He gave His dear Son upon Calvary’s cross,
That we life eternal might share,
Then tell it out! tell it out!
Tell the wondrous news around,
Till all the world, the whole wide world,
Shall hear the glorious sound!
If it be true that our sin He blots out,
And remembers against us no more,
That hearts are made white in the blood of the Lamb,
And released from sin’s bondage and power,
Then tell it out! tell it out!
Tell the wondrous news around,
Till all the world, the whole wide world,
Shall hear the glorious sound!
If it be true that His peace He bestows,
A peace that the world cannot give!
That He giveth us richly all things to enjoy,
And life more abundant to live,
Then tell it out! tell it out!
Tell the wondrous news around,
Till all the world, the whole wide world,
Shall hear the glorious sound!
Christian, make haste the glad message to give;
The King’s business brooks no delay;
God’s perishing children are calling for help;
Go tell them of Jesus today.
Then tell it out! tell it out!
Tell the wondrous news around,
Till all the world, the whole wide world,
Shall hear the glorious sound!
Meaning of If It Be True That The Father So Loved
In our journey of self-discovery and acceptance, we often encounter moments that awaken within us a profound sense of vulnerability and truth. These moments, though daunting, are precious opportunities for us to embrace our humanity and forge a deeper connection with the Divine and the world around us.
Today, let us contemplate an old, yet ever-new truth: the immense, boundless love that our Creator has for us. Imagine, if you will, a world drowning in sorrow and despair, searching for a glimmer of hope. In the midst of this darkness, the Divine Father gifted us His most cherished Son, sacrificing Him upon Calvary’s cross. This act was not merely a historical event but a timeless testament to a love that transcends our understandinga love that invites us to share in life eternal.
Reflect upon what this means for us, dear friends. If it is true, as I believe it is, that He blots out our sins entirely, remembering them against us no more, then why do we so often hold onto our past mistakes? Why do we allow guilt and shame to shackle our hearts? The blood of the Lamb has washed us clean, liberating us from sin’s bondage. Can we not, then, release ourselves from self-inflicted chains and step into the freedom that is ours by grace?
In our quiet moments of introspection, let’s consider the gift of peace that He bestows upon usa peace unlike any the world can offer. This Divine peace fills our hearts with a serenity that quiets the storm of anxiety and fear. It is a peace that enriches our lives beyond measure, granting us the richness of joy and abundance in all things.
Such profound truths and experiences call us to a purpose. As followers on this spiritual path, we are asked to share this wondrous news with those who yearn for hope and healing. The longing cries of those in despair echo around us, and we are called to respond with compassion and urgency. “The King’s business brooks no delay”this means our mission of sharing love and truth is a pressing one.
May we, with earnest hearts, make haste to spread this glad message. Let us courageously tell of Jesus, not just through words but through the living example of our transformed lives. When we embody the forgiveness, peace, and abundant life that He offers us, we become beacons of hope to a world in need.
In this walk of faith and self-discovery, let us embrace our own imperfections and humanity. Let us view ourselves through the compassionate eyes of the Divine, recognizing that we are deeply loved and endlessly valuable. As we grow in this loving self-view, we naturally extend that love and acceptance to others, fostering a world of interconnectedness and grace.
Together, let us journey forward, hand in hand, sharing the luminous message of love and redemption until all the world hears the glorious sound. In doing so, we not only change the world but are continually transformed ourselves, moving ever closer to the heart of the Divine.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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