I’ll Tarry At A Promise Till Jesus Meets – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy in Jesus' promise to meet you. Trust in his faithfulness and find hope in his words. Tarry with anticipation for the love and joy he brings.

I’ll Tarry At A Promise Till Jesus Meets – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “I’ll Tarry At A Promise Till Jesus Meets,” we are reminded of the unwavering love and faithfulness of Jesus. Just as we wait for someone to fulfill a promise, we can trust that Jesus always keeps his word. This hymn brings us and joy as we anticipate the day when Jesus meets us and fills our lives with his love and grace.


I’ll Tarry At A Promise Till Jesus Meets – Hymn Lyric

I’ll tarry at a promise, till Jesus meets me there,
He comes along the promise-way;
His words, so free and gracious, I’ll take to him in prayer,
He comes along the promise-way.

! glory! my Saviour comes to me,
His and blessed I see
Glory! glory! he meets my today,
He comes along the promise-way.

From sin I sought salvation, and called upon his name,
He comes along the promise-way;
O come, ye heavy-laden, is grace is still the same,
He comes along the promise-way.


With every word he gives me, I hasten to his feet,
He comes along the promise-way;
He fills me with his Spirit, he makes my joy complete,
He comes along the promise-way.


When earthly blossoms perish, and wintry storms appear,
He comes along the promise-way;
He soothes my heart in trouble, he dries the falling tear,
He comes along the promise-way.


Meaning of I’ll Tarry At A Promise Till Jesus Meets

I’ll Tarry At A Promise Till Jesus Meets

Have you ever made a promise to someone? Promises are special commitments that we make to others, showing them that we will be there for them and keep our word. But did you know that there is one promise that is unlike any other? It’s a promise made by Jesus, and he is faithful to fulfill it every single time. In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the joy and hope we can find in the promise of Jesus. So let’s dive into the meaning behind these uplifting words and discover the amazing love and grace that Jesus offers to each and every one of us.

The hymn begins by saying, “I’ll tarry at a promise, till Jesus meets me there.” This means that we are willing to wait for Jesus to fulfill his promise to us. Isn’t it wonderful to know that Jesus never breaks his promises? We can trust in his faithfulness, knowing that he will always come through for us. Just as a friend or family member might promise to meet us at a certain place and time, Jesus promises to meet us in our lives. He walks alongside us, guiding us and showing us the way.

The next line says, “His words, so free and gracious, I’ll take to him in prayer.” When we read the Bible, we find that Jesus’ words are full of love, grace, and wisdom. They are like a soothing balm for our souls. Just as we would take a beautiful gift to someone we love, we can take Jesus’ words to him in prayer. When we pray, we are having a conversation with Jesus, sharing our hopes, fears, and dreams. He listens intently and responds with understanding and .

The refrain of the hymn echoes the joy and excitement we feel when Jesus meets us: “Glory! Glory! My Savior comes to me, his bright and blessed light I see. Glory! Glory! He meets my soul today, he comes along the promise-way.” When we experience the presence of Jesus in our lives, it brings us an overwhelming sense of joy and peace. His light shines brightly, illuminating our path and filling our hearts with hope. It is truly something to celebrate!

The next verse speaks of our for salvation and how Jesus’ grace is always available: “From sin I sought salvation, and called upon his name, he comes along the promise-way. O come, ye heavy-laden, his grace is still the same, he comes along the promise-way.” Jesus came to save us from our sins and offer us eternal life. No matter how burdened we may feel, Jesus invites us to come to him and find rest. His grace, forgiveness, and love are available to each and every one of us, no matter our past mistakes or struggles.

As we continue through the hymn, we are reminded of the transformation Jesus brings to our lives: “With every word he gives me, I hasten to his feet, he comes along the promise-way. He fills me with his Spirit, he makes my joy complete, he comes along the promise-way.” When we read the Bible and listen to Jesus’ teachings, we are filled with his wisdom and understanding. It is through his words that we can find encouragement, , and the strength to face each day. And when we invite Jesus into our hearts, his Spirit fills us, bringing us joy and completeness.

The final verse of the hymn reminds us that even in the midst of life’s trials and , Jesus is with us: “When earthly blossoms perish, and wintry storms appear, he comes along the promise-way. He soothes my heart in trouble, he dries the falling tear, he comes along the promise-way.” Just as a loving friend or family member would comfort us during difficult times, Jesus offers us his solace and peace. He wipes away our tears and gives us the strength to face whatever challenges come our way.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully captures the essence of the promise of Jesus. It reminds us that we can trust in his faithfulness and find hope in his words. Jesus meets us where we are, offering us salvation, grace, and a transformed life. No matter what trials we face, Jesus is there to comfort us and guide us along the promise-way. So let us tarry at this wonderful promise, eagerly awaiting the day when Jesus meets us and fills our hearts with his love and joy.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy in Jesus' promise to meet you. Trust in his faithfulness and find hope in his words. Tarry with anticipation for the love and joy he brings.


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