Im Happy In Jesus Rejoicing Today – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Freedom and Joy in God's Love with "I'm Happy in Jesus

Im Happy In Jesus Rejoicing Today – Hymn Lyric



Im Happy In Jesus Rejoicing Today – Hymn Lyric

I’m happy in Jesus, rejoicing today;
And Jesus my Saviour with me has his way;
The Comforter comes in my glad heart to stay;
O to Jesus! I’m free!

I’m free, free! gloriously free!
No longer by sin I am bound;
The precious blood cleanseth and satisfies me,
This freedom in Jesus I’ve found.

This freedom in Jesus means release,
From sin and from sinning forever to cease;
And freedom from self brings such infinite ;
O glory to Jesus! I’m free! [Refrain]

This freedom in Jesus is glorious rest,
A peaceful reclining on his loving breast;
And when I just trust him my soul is so blest;
O glory to Jesus! I’m free! [Refrain]

His love is so tender, his pow’r so divine,
My all to his keeping I gladly resign;
A vessel of clay for my Lord to design;
O glory to Jesus! I’m free! [Refrain]

No longer I’m fettered the Lord hath control,
The clear of heaven breaks in on my soul;
I’ll sing while the years of roll,
O glory to Jesus! I’m free!


Meaning of Im Happy In Jesus Rejoicing Today

I’m Happy in Jesus, Rejoicing Today: Experience the Freedom and Joy in God’s Love


In our journey of faith, we often encounter moments of immense joy and liberation. The hymn, “I’m Happy in Jesus, Rejoicing Today,” beautifully encapsulates the essence of experiencing freedom and happiness through a relationship with Jesus Christ. It depicts the transformative power of God’s love and the joy that comes with it. Let’s explore the profound ideas present in this hymn verse by verse and discover the true meaning of being “free” in Jesus.

Verse 1: The Comforter Comes to Stay

“I’m happy in Jesus, rejoicing today;

And Jesus my Savior with me has his way;

The Comforter comes in my glad heart to stay;

O glory to Jesus! I’m free!”

The verse begins by expressing pure happiness in Jesus, a genuine sense of rejoicing. It highlights the intimate relationship between the singer and their Savior, Jesus Christ. The phrase “Jesus my Savior with me has his way” signifies the surrender of personal desires and the acceptance of Jesus’ divine authority.

Additionally, the verse mentions the Comforter, who comes and dwells within one’s heart. This references the Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, and emphasizes the sustaining presence of God’s love and guidance. This presence brings not only joy but also freedom.

Refrain: Gloriously Free in Jesus

The refrain beautifully proclaims, “I’m free, free! gloriously free!

No longer by sin I am bound;

The precious blood cleanseth and satisfies me,

This freedom in Jesus I’ve found.”

Here, the essence of freedom in Jesus is magnified. The singer experiences liberation from the binding chains of sin through the cleansing power of Jesus’ precious blood. This signifies the transformative nature of God’s love, which not only frees us from sin but also fulfills our deepest longings.

The use of the word “gloriously” emphasizes the magnificent and radiant nature of this newfound freedom. It expresses a sense of awe and wonderment at the transformative power of Jesus’ love. The refrain reminds us that once we experience this freedom, we are no longer defined by our past mistakes or enslaved by our sins.

Verse 2: Blessed Release from Sin

“This freedom in Jesus means blessed release,

From sin and from sinning forever to cease;

And freedom from self brings such infinite peace;

O glory to Jesus! I’m free!”

In this verse, the hymn deepens its exploration of freedom in Jesus. The phrase “blessed release” emphasizes the relief and liberation that comes from being set free from sin’s grip. It speaks to the transformative power of Jesus’ love to break the cycle of sin and to enable us to live a free from its chains.

Moreover, the verse introduces the idea of freedom from self. It suggests that true liberation not only involves freedom from sin but also freedom from the self-centeredness and selfishness that can plague our lives. This freedom brings infinite peace, a state of serenity only found in surrendering ourselves to Jesus and allowing His love to reign within us.

Verse 3: Glorious Rest in God’s Love

“This freedom in Jesus is glorious rest,

A peaceful reclining on his loving breast;

And when I just trust him my soul is so blest;

O glory to Jesus! I’m free!”

The next verse beautifully describes the freedom in Jesus as a state of glorious rest. This rest isn’t merely physical but speaks to the inner peace and tranquility that comes from resting in God’s loving embrace. It paints a picturesque scene of leaning on Jesus’ loving breast, which represents a position of intimacy and trust.

The verse highlights the connection between trust and experiencing the of freedom in Jesus. By genuinely Him, our are nourished, and we are filled with deep joy and contentment. It reminds us that placing our trust in Jesus is the key to experiencing the fullness of His liberating love.

Verse 4: Surrendering to God’s Design

“His love is so tender, his power so divine,

My all to his keeping I gladly resign;

A vessel of clay for my Lord to design;

O glory to Jesus! I’m free!”

The final verse emphasizes the tender love and divine power of Jesus. It speaks to the relinquishment of self-control and the joyful surrender of one’s life to His care. The word “resign” suggests the act of willingly giving up control and trusting in God’s divine plan.

The verse portrays believers as vessels of clay, acknowledging our human frailty and acknowledging God’s creative authority to design our lives as He sees fit. This surrender brings a deeper sense of freedom, as we no longer need to rely on our limited understanding but rather allow God’s wisdom and guidance to shape our paths.


“I’m Happy in Jesus, Rejoicing Today” is a hymn that powerfully conveys the joy and freedom found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. It explores the themes of surrender, liberation from sin, and the peace that comes from trusting in God’s love. When we truly experience this freedom in Jesus, we are no longer bound by our past mistakes or the chains of sin but instead find rest, peace, and infinite joy in His loving embrace. May this hymn inspire us to seek and cherish the freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Freedom and Joy in God's Love with I'm Happy in Jesus, Rejoicing Today. Explore the transformative power of His love and find true freedom in Jesus.


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