It Is Finished, Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric
“It Is Finished, Blessed Jesus” is a hymn that teaches us about the sacrifice and victory of Jesus Christ. The hymn reminds us that Jesus willingly gave Himself up to die on the cross, and through His death, He opened the door for eternal life with God. The hymn also emphasizes the hope and redemption that comes from Jesus’ sacrifice and encourages us to live our lives in a way that honors His sacrifice.
Table of Contents
It Is Finished, Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric
It is finished! Blessed Jesus,
Thou hast breathed Thy latest sigh,
Teaching us the sons of Adam
How the Son of God can die.
Lifeless lies the broken body,
Hidden in its rocky bed,
Laid aside like folded garment:
Where is now the Spirit fled?
In the gloomy realms of darkness
Shines a light unknown before,
For the Lord of dead and living
Enters at the open door.
See! He comes, a willing Victim,
Unresisting hither led;
Passing from the cross of sorrow
To the mansions of the dead.
Lo! the heavenly light around Him
And He draws His people near;
All amazed they stand rejoicing
At the gracious words they hear.
For Himself proclaims the story
Of His own incarnate life,
And the death He died to save us,
Victor in that awful strife.
Patriarch and priest and prophet
Gather round Him as He stands,
In adoring faith and gladness,
Hearing of the pierced hands.
Oh, the bliss to which He calls them,
Ransomed by His precious blood,
From the gloomy realms of darkness
To the paradise of God!
There in lowliest joy and wonder
Stands the robber at His side,
Reaping now the blessed promise
Spoken by the Crucified.
Jesus, Lord of dead and living,
Let Thy mercy rest on me;
Grant me, too, when life is finished,
Rest in paradise with Thee.
Meaning of It Is Finished, Blessed Jesus
“It Is Finished, Blessed Jesus” is a hymn that teaches us about the sacrifice and victory of Jesus Christ. The hymn reminds us that Jesus willingly gave Himself up to die on the cross, and through His death, He opened the door for eternal life with God.
The hymn begins by declaring that Jesus has completed His mission. He has breathed His last breath and has shown us, the sons of Adam, how the Son of God can die. This may seem like a sad and somber moment, but the hymn goes on to tell us that there is more to the story.
The body of Jesus now lies lifeless and hidden in a rocky bed, like a folded garment. We may wonder where the Spirit of Jesus has gone, but the hymn assures us that a light shines in the gloomy realms of darkness. This light is unfamiliar, but it represents something incredible: the Lord of both the dead and the living is entering through an open door.
Imagine the astonishment of those who witness this sight. The hymn describes the people standing amazed as Jesus, a willing victim, passes from the cross of sorrow to the mansions of the dead. It is a moment of both sorrow and hope, as they see the heavenly light surrounding Him.
As Jesus draws His people near, they stand in awe and rejoicing. The words He speaks are gracious and profound. He proclaims the story of His own incarnate life and the death He died to save us. He is the victor in the awful strife. Even the patriarchs, priests, and prophets gather around Him, filled with adoring faith and gladness. They hear about His pierced hands, which were wounded out of love for us.
Oh, what bliss it is to be called by Jesus and to be ransomed by His precious blood! The hymn tells us that He has brought us out of the gloomy realms of darkness and into the paradise of God. Think about the immense joy and wonder that fills our hearts as we stand in the presence of Jesus. We are no longer bound by sin and death but are set free to experience the lowest and most humble joy in the paradise of God.
The hymn also reminds us of a thief who stood beside Jesus on the cross. This thief, who once lived a life of sin, is now reaping the blessed promise spoken by the Crucified. This shows us that no matter what our past may be, there is always room for redemption and forgiveness in the arms of Jesus.
In the final verse, we humbly ask Jesus, the Lord of both the dead and the living, to let His mercy rest upon us. We long for the day when our life on Earth is finished so that we may find rest in paradise with Him. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of our faith and the hope we have in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, “It Is Finished, Blessed Jesus” is a hymn that carries a message of hope and redemption. Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we are offered eternal life and a place in the paradise of God. This hymn reminds us to appreciate the victory that Jesus achieved for us and to eagerly await the day when we can find rest in His presence. Let us give thanks for the grace and mercy that Jesus offers us and live our lives in a way that honors His sacrifice.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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