It Was Down At The Feet Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience peace

It Was Down At The Feet Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever had a moment in your life when everything changed? A moment that brought you , joy, and a sense of purpose? Well, let me tell you about a special hymn called “It Was Down At The Feet Of Jesus” that perfectly captures such a moment. It celebrates the power of grace, forgiveness, and the peace that comes from believing in Jesus. Let us go forth and share this life-changing story with the world.


It Was Down At The Feet Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

It was down at the feet of Jesus,
O the happy, happy day!
That my soul found peace in believing,
And my sins were washed away.

Let me tell the , old story
Of His grace so full and ;
For I feel like giving Him the glory
For His wondrous love to me.

It was down at the feet of Jesus,
Where I found such perfect rest,
Where the first dawned on my spirit,
And my soul was truly blest.

It was down at the feet of Jesus,
Where I brought my guilt and ,
That he cancelled all my transgressions
And salvation entered in.


Meaning of It Was Down At The Feet Of Jesus

Have you ever had a moment in your life when everything changed? A moment that brought you peace, joy, and a sense of purpose? Well, let me tell you about a special hymn called “It Was Down At The Feet Of Jesus” that perfectly captures such a moment.

Picture this: you find yourself at the feet of Jesus, feeling a happiness you had never experienced before. The day is filled with sunshine, warmth, and a breeze that seems to carry away all your worries. It’s a day that you will never forget, a day when your soul found peace in believing.

You see, before this extraordinary day, your heart may have been burdened by guilt and sin. You carried the weight of your mistakes, feeling lost and unable to find a way out. But at the feet of Jesus, all of that changed.

In that sacred moment, you discovered the true meaning of grace. It was like a treasure chest that had been opened right in front of you, overflowing with love and forgiveness. You couldn’t but feel overwhelmed with gratitude and a desire to share this amazing grace with others.

So, let me tell you the old, old story of this grace so full and free. It’s a story that has been passed down through generations, bringing hope and joy to countless souls. And as I share this story with you, I can’t help but feel like giving Him the glory for His wondrous love to me.

At the feet of Jesus, you found not only peace but also rest. It was as if a light had finally dawned on your spirit, illuminating the before you. You no longer felt lost but instead felt a deep sense of purpose and direction.

As you brought your guilt and sin to Jesus, He did something extraordinary. He cancelled all your transgressions, wiping the slate clean. It was in that act of love that salvation entered your life. Can you imagine a more beautiful gift?

Now, as you reflect on that special day, you can’t help but share your story with others. You want everyone to experience the love and forgiveness that you found at the feet of Jesus. You want others to find the same perfect rest that you discovered.

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, the story of finding peace in Jesus’ presence is more important than ever. It’s a story that can bring comfort to troubled hearts, hope to those who have lost their way, and joy to those who need a reason to smile.

So, my dear , let me encourage you to seek out the feet of Jesus. Let go of your burdens, and embrace the love and grace that He offers. It is, truly, a happy, happy day when your soul finds peace in believing.

As you tell this old, old story, remember the incredible love and forgiveness that you received. Let your words be filled with gratitude and humility, spreading the wondrous love of Jesus to everyone you meet.

In conclusion, “It Was Down at the Feet of Jesus” is a hymn that celebrates a life-changing moment. It reminds us of the power of grace, forgiveness, and the peace that comes from believing. So, let us go forth and share this story with the world, for it is a story that deserves to be heard.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience peace, forgiveness, and grace at the feet of Jesus. Discover the life-changing hymn, It Was Down At The Feet Of Jesus. Share this powerful story of love and hope with the world.


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