Ive Been To Jesus For A Heart Like Snow – Hymn Lyric

Discover the cleansing power of Jesus' blood in "I've Been to Jesus for a Heart Like Snow." Experience forgiveness

Ive Been To Jesus For A Heart Like Snow – Hymn Lyric

“Embracing the Cleansing Power of Jesus’ Blood: I’ve Been to Jesus for a Like Snow” Discover the incredible power of Jesus’ blood in cleansing and transforming our hearts. Just as snow is pure and free from stains, Jesus’ blood can wash the burdens of sin. Embrace His cleansing power and find forgiveness, peace, and a future filled with eternal joy. “Hallelujah, it cleanseth me!”


Ive Been To Jesus For A Heart Like Snow – Hymn Lyric

I’ve been to Jesus for a heart like snow,
The blood, the blood, my only plea;
Abiding where the living waters flow,
The blood, the blood, it cleanseth me.

O the blood, the blood, my only plea,
The blood of Jesus cleanseth me,
O the blood the blood, my only plea,
Hallelujah, it cleanseth me.

The stains of evil have been washed away,
The blood, the blood, my only plea;
I live for Jesus, and His word obey,
The blood, the blood, it cleanseth me.


Instead of striving I have perfect peace,
The blood, the blood, my only plea;
From chains of evil I have found release,
The blood, the blood, it cleanseth me.


I’m bound for , I would dwell up there,
The blood, the blood, my only plea;
‘Tis not by merit that its joys I’ll share,
The blood, the blood, it cleanseth me.


Meaning of Ive Been To Jesus For A Heart Like Snow

I’ve Been to Jesus for a Heart Like Snow: Embracing the Cleansing Power of His Blood

Have you ever wished for a heart that is pure and clean, just like freshly fallen snow? A heart that is free from the stains and burdens of sin? Well, my , I have good news for you – there is a solution! In the hymn “I’ve Been to Jesus for a Heart Like Snow,” we are reminded of the incredible power of Jesus’ blood to cleanse us and make us new.

The first verse of the hymn tells us that the blood of Jesus is our only plea. It is through His sacrificial death on the cross that we find forgiveness and redemption. When we to Jesus with our and ask for His forgiveness, His blood washes away our stains of evil. Just like a good detergent removes stubborn stains from our clothes, the blood of Jesus removes the stains of our sins, making us clean and pure.

As the refrain of the hymn proclaims, “O the blood, the blood, my only plea, the blood of Jesus cleanseth me!” We must remember that it is not our own efforts or good works that can cleanse us from sin. It is only through the precious blood of Jesus that we can find true cleansing and forgiveness.

When we accept Jesus into our hearts and lives, we become connected to the source of living waters. Just as a river flows continuously, so do the living waters of Jesus’ love and grace. These living waters refreshment to our and renew us day by day. As we abide in Jesus and His word, His living waters flow through us, washing away the dirt and grime of sin and filling us with His love and peace.

In the second verse, we learn that striving and struggling to be good enough on our own is unnecessary. Instead, when we to the power of Jesus’ blood, we can experience perfect peace. The chains of evil that once bound us are broken, and we are set free to live a life that is pleasing to God. It is not by our own strength or merit that we find release from sin, but through the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood.

But what comes next? The hymn tells us that we are not just cleansed for the present, but that we have a glorious future ahead. We are bound for glory, and our hearts long to dwell in the presence of Jesus. This is not something we can earn or deserve, but it is a gift freely given to us through the blood of Jesus. It is His blood that opens the doors of and allows us to share in the eternal joys of His kingdom.

As we reflect on these powerful words, we are reminded of the incredible love and grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. His blood has the power to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and make us new. It is not our own efforts that can bring about this transformation, but it is through faith in Jesus and His finished work on the cross.

So, dear friend, if you long for a heart like snow, free from the stains of sin, I encourage you to come to Jesus. Seek His forgiveness, surrender your life to Him, and allow His blood to cleanse you. Embrace the power of His blood to establish perfect peace in your life and release you from the chains of evil. And remember, it is not by your own merit that you can dwell in glory, but it is through His blood that you can share in the eternal joys of heaven.

May the words of this hymn serve as a reminder of the incredible gift we have in Jesus and His blood. May it inspire us to seek Him, to surrender to Him, and to live in the power of His cleansing blood. And may we always proclaim, “Hallelujah, it cleanseth me!”


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