Jesus Bids You Come – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the invitation of love from Jesus. Find solace

Jesus Bids You Come – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Bids You Come: Embracing the Invitation of Love” is an engaging summary that invites readers to open their hearts to Jesus’ call. It emphasizes the love and that Jesus offers, and encourages readers to find solace and joy in his presence. The summary also highlights the sense of belonging and support that comes from accepting his invitation and joining a community of believers.


Jesus Bids You Come – Hymn Lyric

Jesus bids you come,
Jesus bids you come.
Earnestly for you He’s calling,
Gently at thy heart He’s pleading,
“Come Me,
Come unto Me.”

Jesus bids you come,
Jesus bids you come.
Weary traveler, do not tarry,
Jesus will thy carry;
Oh, will you come?
Oh, will you come?

Jesus bids you come,
Jesus bids you come.
Voices may not always call you,
“Late, too late,” may yet befall you;
“Why will ye die?”
“Why will ye die?”

Jesus bids you come,
Jesus bids you come.
Where ’tis love and joy forever,
Where we’ll meet to part, no, never;
Sinner, come home,
Oh, come, come home.


Meaning of Jesus Bids You Come

Jesus Bids You Come: Embracing the Invitation of Love

In the busy and hectic we live in, it’s easy to get caught up in our daily struggles and forget about the bigger picture. We often find ourselves feeling tired and burdened, seeking solace and relief from the weight of our troubles. However, there is someone who calls out to us, offering a helping hand and a sanctuary of love and joy. His name is Jesus, and he bids us to come.

Just like a gentle whispering in our hearts, Jesus earnestly calls out to each one of us. Regardless of our background, circumstances, or past mistakes, he extends an invitation for us to come and find solace in his presence. This invitation comes not from a place of judgment or condemnation, but rather from a place of deep love and compassion.

Have you ever felt weary, as if ‘s challenges are too much to bear? Jesus knows and understands that feeling. He knows the struggles we face, the burdens we carry, and he wants to help us navigate through them. He offers to bear our burdens for us, to ease the weight upon our shoulders, and bring us comfort and peace. How incredible is that?

Sometimes, in the midst of our busy lives, we may not the voice of Jesus calling out to us. The noise of the world may drown out his gentle pleas. However, his invitation does not fade . It remains constant, for us to listen, to respond, and to come. It is never too late to accept his invitation. As the hymn asks, “Why will ye die?” – Why would we choose to reject the love and grace that Jesus offers?

When we answer the call of Jesus and choose to come to him, we find ourselves entering a place of love and joy forever. It is a place where we are embraced with open arms, where we find comfort in the midst of our trials, and where we experience a sense of belonging like never before. In this place, we are never alone, for Jesus promises to be with us always. He brings us a peace that surpasses all understanding and a joy that fills our hearts to overflowing.

Moreover, when we come to Jesus, we become part of a community of believers who are united by their shared faith. This community is one that will never separate or divide. We meet to part, but we never truly say goodbye. We support one another, uplift one another, and walk together on this journey of life. It is a family like no other, where love and acceptance abound.

So, dear traveler, do not tarry. Do not delay in responding to the invitation of Jesus. Open your heart to his love and allow him to carry your burdens. Embrace the opportunity to find solace in his presence and experience the love and joy that he offers. Do not let the voices of doubt or fear hold you back. Remember, his invitation is for everyone, regardless of their past or present circumstances.

As we conclude, we extend this invitation to you once more, sinner, come home. Oh, come, come home to the arms of Jesus. Discover the limitless love and grace that awaits you. Accept his invitation and experience the joy of living in his presence. Jesus bids you come, and we encourage you to answer that call, for it is a call filled with love, hope, and joy.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the invitation of love from Jesus. Find solace, comfort, and joy in his presence. Answer his call and experience the limitless love and grace he offers. Jesus bids you come. (149 characters)


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