Jesus Calls For Willing Helpers – Hymn Lyric

Answer Jesus' call to service and become a willing helper. Join his army of righteousness and spread his message of peace. Enter his service today!

Jesus Calls For Willing Helpers – Hymn Lyric

In today’s hymn, “Jesus Calls For Willing Helpers,” we are reminded of the importance of answering Jesus’ call to others. The hymn encourages us to enter into his service and become willing helpers in the that needs to be done. By answering his call and entering his service, we can play a vital role in the vineyard of the Master.


Jesus Calls For Willing Helpers – Hymn Lyric

Jesus calls for willing helpers,
for there is a work to do;
Enter his service!
Enter his service!

In the vineyard of the Master
there’s a special place for you;
Enter his service today!

Enter his service!
Enter his service!
And his loving call !

New recruits are daily ,
on in strong array;
Enter his service today!

Messengers of are wanted
to convey his word to all;
Enter his service!
Enter his service!

Be ambassadors for Jesus,
and obey his loving call;
Enter his service today! [Refrain]

New recruits are greatly needed
in the army of the right;
Enter his service!
Enter his service!

There’s a crown of great rejoicing
for the victor in the fight;
Enter his service today! [Refrain]    

Meaning of Jesus Calls For Willing Helpers

In today’s hymn, “Jesus Calls For Willing Helpers,” we are reminded of the importance of answering Jesus’ call to serve others. The hymn encourages us to enter into his service and become willing helpers in the work that needs to be done.

Jesus, as our master and guide, calls upon each one of us to join his service. He knows that there is a great task at , and he needs our help to accomplish it. Just like any team or organization, Jesus’ mission relies on individuals who are willing to step up and contribute their skills and talents. By answering his call and entering his service, we can play a vital role in the vineyard of the Master.

The hymn emphasizes the urgency of Jesus’ call. It tells us that there’s a special place for each one of us in his vineyard, and we should not delay in answering his call. Today is the day to enter into his service! As we respond to his loving call, we become part of a growing community of believers who are marching on in strong array, ready to serve.

Jesus is looking for messengers of peace who are willing to convey his word to all. He sends us out as ambassadors for him, representing his love and teachings to others. By entering his service, we embrace the responsibility of sharing the good news and spreading his message of and salvation. It is an honor and a privilege to be chosen as his messengers, and we should joyfully obey his loving call.

The hymn reminds us that new recruits are constantly needed in Jesus’ army of righteousness. The between good and evil is ongoing, and Jesus relies on us to join the fight. As we enter his service, we become in his army, ready to stand up for what is right and just. The hymn motivates us by pointing out that there is a crown of great rejoicing waiting for the victors in the fight. By faithfully serving Jesus and helping to advance his kingdom, we can look forward to the ultimate reward of eternal joy.

Entering into Jesus’ service is not only a duty but also a privilege. When we choose to follow him and serve others, we are transformed into his willing helpers. Our lives take on a new purpose as we align ourselves with his mission and work towards the greater good. Through our service, we can make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute to the building of God’s kingdom on earth.

As we carry out Jesus’ call to service, it is important to remember that we are not alone. The hymn reminds us that new recruits are daily coming, marching on in strong array. By joining together with other believers, we can support and encourage one another in our service. We are part of a larger community of like-minded individuals who share the same goal of serving Jesus and spreading his message. Together, we can overcome challenges and make a greater impact than we could ever achieve on our own.

In conclusion, “Jesus Calls For Willing Helpers” is a hymn that reminds us of our role in answering Jesus’ call to service. It encourages us to enter into his service today, without delay. By becoming his messengers of peace and joining his army of righteousness, we can make a meaningful contribution to the work that needs to be done. Let us embrace the opportunity to be his willing helpers, knowing that there is a crown of great rejoicing awaiting us in the end. So, let us enter his service today and obediently answer his loving call.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Answer Jesus' call to service and become a willing helper. Join his army of righteousness and spread his message of peace. Enter his service today!


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