Jesus Calls Me I Am Going – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Calls Me I Am Going - Answering the Call to a Life with Christ. Answer Jesus' call for purpose and meaning. Find freedom from worldly sorrows and embrace eternal life. Learn how to live a fulfilling life with Jesus. Come

Jesus Calls Me I Am Going – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the call of Jesus and embark on a life filled with purpose and meaning. Discover that the things of this world cannot satisfy the deepest longings of your heart. Find joy and in the promise of eternal life and share the message of Jesus’ love and redemption with all. Answer His call, for Jesus calls you, and you are going.


Jesus Calls Me I Am Going – Hymn Lyric

Jesus calls me; I am going
Where He opens up my way,
To the toiling of His vineyard,
Shrinking not a single day.

Friends may shun me, toils await me,
Crucifixion be my lot;
But I’ve chosen Christ my Saviour,
I am going, call me not.

Jesus calls me; I am going
To the life he wills for me;
This poor world can’t fill the aching
Of my heart, or set it .

O, what anxious, bitter sorrow
Does the world give with its strife;
But with Jesus,-O what glory!
Ending in eternal life.

Jesus calls me; I am going
To the washing of his blood,-
now, and purifying
All who test the crimson flood;

Flesh may cry, now now,-tomorrow,-
Idols rise with wonted power;
Jesus, help me, and help me!
Jesus take me hour by hour.

Jesus calls me; I am going
To the mansions all prepared,
These for , for all, says Jesus,
Who my pow’r hath here declared;

Knowing this complete Salvation,-
This that saves from inbred sin,
Why not tell to all around me,
Jesus can make wholly clean?

Jesus calls me; I am going;-
O that all would test with me,
All the power of Christ’s Salvation,
For the fountain’s full and free.

Test the grace so freely offered,
Know the worth of Christ within;
Rise and share the bliss transcendent-
Freedom from the power of sin.


Meaning of Jesus Calls Me I Am Going

Jesus Calls Me: I Am Going – Answering the Call to a Life with Christ

Have you ever felt a deep desire within your heart, a longing for something more? Something that this world, with all its glitz and glamour, just cannot fulfill? Well, my , you are not alone. In this , “Jesus Calls Me: I Am Going,” we are reminded of a powerful truth – that Jesus is calling us to a life filled with purpose and meaning.

In the very first verse, we are reminded that Jesus opens up our way. Imagine a path stretching out before you, filled with opportunities and challenges, where every step you take is guided by the loving hand of our Savior. It may not always be an easy path, my friend. Friends may turn their backs on you, and toiling and may await you. But take heart! For Jesus has chosen you to be His disciple, to walk alongside Him and carry His message of love to the world.

When we answer the call of Jesus, we quickly realize that the things of this world cannot satisfy the deepest longing of our hearts. The second verse paints a vivid picture of this truth. The aching need within us, the yearning for something more, cannot be fulfilled by the temporary pleasures that this world offers. No amount of material wealth or earthly success can set our hearts truly free. But with Jesus, we find a joy and peace beyond measure, culminating in the promise of eternal life.

One of the most beautiful aspects of Jesus’ call is the invitation to be washed in His blood, to be healed and purified. In verse three, we are reminded of the power and grace that flow from His sacrifice on the cross. The crimson flood of His blood washes away our sins, leaving us cleansed and renewed. While our flesh may cry out for instant gratification, and our worldly idols may tempt us with their allure, we can call upon Jesus to support us and guide us through each day, hour by hour.

What us when we heed Jesus’ call? Well, my friend, it is nothing short of glorious. In verse four, we are invited to the mansions that Jesus has prepared for us. Can you imagine it? A beautiful, eternal home, where we will dwell in the presence of our loving Savior. But this offer of salvation is not reserved for a select few. Jesus tells us that these mansions are for all who believe in Him and surrender their lives to His power. It is our duty and privilege to share this amazing news with everyone we meet. We must proclaim that Jesus can cleanse us completely from our sins and set us free from their power.

The title of this hymn, “Jesus Calls Me: I Am Going,” encapsulates the essence of discipleship. Jesus’ call is not passive or optional; it is an urgent and personal invitation to follow Him. It is an invitation to leave behind the empty promises of the world and embark on and obedience.

So, my dear friend, will you answer the call of Jesus? Will you choose to go where He leads, to toil in His vineyard, and to proclaim His message of love and redemption? The decision is yours, and it is a decision that holds eternal significance. Embrace the joy and purpose that come from a life surrendered to Jesus. Experience the freedom that only He can provide. Know the worth of Christ within you and rise above the power of sin.

In conclusion, let us remember the words of this hymn and let them guide our hearts and actions:

“Jesus calls me; I am going

To the life He wills for me;

This poor world can’t fill the aching

Of my heart, or set it free.

O, what anxious, bitter sorrow

Does the world give with its strife;

But with Jesus,-O what glory!

Ending in eternal life.”

Answer His call, my friend. Walk in His footsteps and experience the abundant life He has prepared for you. Jesus calls you, and you are going.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Jesus Calls Me I Am Going - Answering the Call to a Life with Christ. Answer Jesus' call for purpose and meaning. Find freedom from worldly sorrows and embrace eternal life. Learn how to live a fulfilling life with Jesus. Come, answer His call today.


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