Jesus Came To Save My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Experience the immense love of Jesus in "Jesus Came To Save My Soul." Reflect on His selfless sacrifice and find hope in His promise of eternal joy and blessings. Jesus Came To Save My Soul.

Jesus Came To Save My Soul – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Jesus To Save My Soul” beautifully captures the immense love and sacrifice that Jesus made for us. It reminds us of Jesus’ selfless act of wearing a crown of thorns, bearing our and , and so that we may live. Through His grace and divine love, we are offered forgiveness, blessings, and the promise of joy in His presence. Let’s take a moment to reflect on Jesus’ love and be grateful for His sacrifice and salvation for our .


Jesus Came To Save My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Jesus came to save my soul,
All for me, all for me;
Came to make the wounded whole,
All for me, all for me.

Jesus wore a crown of thorn,
Bearing grief, and pain, and scorn;
‘Twas for me they all were borne,
All for me, all for me.

Oh! what love was His to give,
All for me, all for me;
When He died that I might live,
All for me, all for me.

Jesus pardons all my sin,
Shows a kingdom I may win;
Where He bids me enter in,
All for me, all for me.

Untold blessings may be mine,
All for me, all for me;
Thro’ His grace and love divine,
All for me, all for me.

With the Lord who loves me so,
Joys eternal I shall know,
Where the crystal waters flow,
All for me, all for me.


Meaning of Jesus Came To Save My Soul

Have you ever stopped to think about the immense love and sacrifice that Jesus made for each and every one of us? The hymn “Jesus Came To Save My Soul” beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ love and selflessness. It reminds us that Jesus came to save our souls, to mend our wounds, and to bear our grief and pain.

When we reflect on the fact that Jesus wore a crown of thorns, suffered scorn and , all for us, it truly humbles us. His love knows no bounds, and He willingly gave His so that we may live. It’s hard to fathom such profound love and compassion, but it is a reality that we can hold onto and find comfort in.

Jesus pardons all our sins, offering us a chance to enter His kingdom and experience untold blessings. Through His grace and divine love, we are given the opportunity to be forgiven and redeemed. It’s a gift that we can never repay, but we can accept it with gratitude and humility.

As we walk this journey of faith with Jesus by our side, we can find joy and eternal . The Lord’s love for us is unending, and He promises us a place where crystal waters flow and where we can bask in His presence forever.

So, let’s take a moment to appreciate and thank Jesus for all that He has done for us. Let’s remember that He came to save our souls, to offer us hope and salvation. May we always hold onto this truth and live our lives in a that honors His sacrifice and love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the immense love of Jesus in Jesus Came To Save My Soul. Reflect on His selfless sacrifice and find hope in His promise of eternal joy and blessings. Jesus Came To Save My Soul.


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