Jesus Christ Has Come To Set The Captive Free – Hymn Lyric

Experience the freedom and love of Jesus Christ who has come to set the captive free. Praise His name for the redemption and salvation He offers.

Jesus Christ Has Come To Set The Captive Free – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Has Come To Set The Captive Free” is a hymn that celebrates Jesus’ sacrifice to free us from sin and . The hymn emphasizes the powerful cleansing and redeeming effects of Jesus’ blood, inviting sinners to find salvation and encouraging believers to live lives that glorify Him. This hymn reminds us to praise and adore Jesus for His love and mercy, as He offers us freedom and eternal life.


Jesus Christ Has Come To Set The Captive Free – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Christ has come to set the captive free,
He died to take away death’s sting;
His blood as a He gave for thee,
Then praise to Him you ought to sing.

You ought to sing to the Lamb
Who has washed us in His blood;
He’s our Lord and our King;
To His name you ought to sing.

Jesus came our sorrows and our griefs to bear,
What love divine, oh, praise His name;
He says, “Cast on Me all thy load of care,”
Then praise to Him you ought to sing.

Sinner, come to Jesus and be today,
His blood can cleanse the crimson stain;
He’s ready to wash all your away;
Then praise to Him you ought to sing.

If you will be through this pilgrim land,
And live to glorify His name,
You’ll find a sweet welcome at His right hand;
Then praise to Him you ought to sing.

Meaning of Jesus Christ Has Come To Set The Captive Free

Jesus Christ Has Come To Set The Captive Free


In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice made by Jesus Christ to set us free from the bonds of sin and death. His profound love and mercy are evident as we reflect on the power of His blood to cleanse us from all that separates us from God. Let us explore the key themes presented in this hymn and understand why we should sing praises to our Lord and King.

Verse Analysis:

The first verse declares that Jesus Christ has come to set the captive free. We are reminded that His death on the was a payment, a ransom, for our sins. This act of supreme love and selflessness deserves our eternal praise. The refrain emphasizes the to sing to the Lamb who washed us in His blood, recognizing His lordship and kingly authority over our lives.

Second Verse:

The second verse invites us to ponder on the depth of Jesus’ love expressed through His willingness to bear our sorrows and griefs. The divine love displayed by Jesus is beyond comprehension, and we should praise His name for such incomparable acts of . Moreover, we are assured that we can cast all our burdens and cares upon Him, finding solace and peace in His comforting presence.

Third Verse:

In the third verse, the hymn extends an invitation to sinners to come to Jesus and be saved. The crimson stain of sin can be cleansed only by the purifying power of Jesus’ blood. This highlights the transformative nature of His sacrifice, as it holds the power to wash away all our sins and restore us in God’s sight. It is through accepting Jesus as our Savior and surrendering our lives to Him that we can experience this truly remarkable redemption.

Fourth Verse:

The fourth and final verse encourages us to remain faithful in our journey through this world, living in a way that brings glory to Jesus’ name. By doing so, we can anticipate a sweet welcome at His right hand in . This verse reminds us that our journey as followers of Christ is not just about accepting Him as our Savior but also about living a life that reflects His love and teachings.


In conclusion, “Jesus Christ Has Come To Set The Captive Free” is a powerful hymn that encapsulates the core message of Christianity. Through His death on the cross, Jesus demonstrated His unmatched love for humanity, offering freedom from sin and promising eternal life. This hymn encourages praise and adoration for the Lamb who has redeemed us, inviting sinners to find salvation and urging believers to live lives that bring glory to His name. Let us never forget the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and continually offer our songs of praise to Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the freedom and love of Jesus Christ who has come to set the captive free. Praise His name for the redemption and salvation He offers.


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