Jesus, Good Above All Others – Hymn Lyric

Discover the grace to persevere with Jesus

Jesus, Good Above All Others – Hymn Lyric

In a world full of challenges and uncertainties, Jesus, Good Above All Others, provides the grace and strength to persevere. As the gentle child of a gentle mother, Jesus embodies selfless love and understanding, having faced danger and sacrifice for humanity. With his constant guidance and presence, we can stand united, facing the unknown with courage and .


Jesus, Good Above All Others – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, good above all other, Gentle Child of gentle mother, In a stable our Brother, Give us grace to persevere.

Jesus, cradled in a manger, For us facing every danger, Living as a homeless Stranger, Make we our King most .

Jesus, for people dying, Master, death defying, in Heav’n, Thy grace supplying, Keep us by Thine near.

Jesus, Who our sorrows bearest, All our thoughts and hopes Thou sharest, Thou to man the truth declarest; Help us all Thy truth to hear.

Lord, in all our doings guide us; Pride and hate shall ne’er divide us; We’ll go on with Thee beside us, And with joy we’ll persevere!


Meaning of Jesus, Good Above All Others

Jesus, Good Above All Others: The Grace to Persevere

In a world full of challenges and uncertainties, it is comforting to know that we have a Savior who is good above all others. It is through Jesus, the gentle child of a gentle mother, that we find hope, strength, and the grace to persevere.

The hymn begins by highlighting the goodness of Jesus. Jesus, who is good above all other, is described as a gentle child of a gentle mother. This imagery serves as a reminder of Jesus’ in a stable, where he entered the world as our brother. It is a powerful depiction of his selfless love for humanity.

As we reflect on the verses of this hymn, we are invited to consider the challenges and dangers that Jesus faced during his time on earth. He lived as a homeless stranger, subjecting himself to the difficulties and vulnerabilities of humanity. This reminds us that Jesus can empathize with our struggles and understands the hardships we face.

Moreover, Jesus not only faced danger but also willingly sacrificed himself for his people. He died on the cross, paying the price for our sins. However, the hymn also reminds us of the triumph of his resurrection. Jesus, the risen master, defied death and conquered the grave. This signifies his victory over sin and gives us hope for eternal life.

As we contemplate these profound truths, we are urged to seek Jesus’ guidance and grace in our daily lives. The hymn emphasizes the importance of Jesus’ presence in our midst, especially through the sacrament of the altar. It is through this sacrament that we can experience the grace and love of our Lord, keeping us close to Him.

Jesus, as the one who bears our sorrows, understands our joys and fears. He invites us to share our thoughts and hopes with Him. Through our relationship with Him, we can find solace and comfort in times of trouble. Jesus is the source of truth, and He reveals the truth of God’s love for humanity. Therefore, we are called to open our hearts and minds to receive His teachings and live according to His truth.

In a world where division and animosity often prevail, the hymn encourages us to let Jesus guide us in all our doings. It reminds us that pride and hate should never divide us. Instead, we should strive to stand united, with Jesus by our side. With His presence, we can find the strength to overcome challenges and persevere through difficulties.

As we journey through life, we can find assurance in the promise of Jesus’ constant companionship. This does not mean that we will be exempt from trials or hardships. However, it means that we will never face them alone. Jesus, who is good above all others, will be with us every step of the way. With Him as our King most dear, we can face the unknown with courage and hope.

In conclusion, Jesus, Good Above All Others, is a hymn that beautifully captures the essence of our faith in a friendly and accessible manner. It highlights Jesus’ goodness, His empathy towards us as a gentle child of a gentle mother, and His willingness to face danger and sacrifice Himself for our sake. It reminds us of the importance of seeking Jesus’ guidance and grace, as well as the power of His truth and love. Ultimately, the hymn encourages us to persevere with joy, knowing that Jesus is always by our side, keeping us close to His altar. May we find comfort and inspiration in the words of this hymn as we navigate the ups and downs of life, fully trusting in Jesus, who is good above all others.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the grace to persevere with Jesus, good above all others. Find hope and strength in His selfless love as we navigate life's challenges together.


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