Jesus I Am Coming Home Today – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative power of Jesus's love and find joy in Him alone. Turn away from sin and come home to Jesus

Jesus I Am Coming Home Today – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, I Am Coming Home Today” is a heartfelt hymn that expresses the speaker’s decision to turn away from sin and return to the and joy found in Jesus alone. Through repentance and acceptance of Jesus’ promise, the speaker embraces the transformative power of His love and the hope of . This hymn beautifully portrays the universal human experience of guilt, forgiveness, and the desire for a renewed relationship with God.


Jesus I Am Coming Home Today – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, I am coming home today,
For I have found there’s joy in Thee alone;
From the of sin I turn away,
now I am coming home.

Jesus, I am coming home today,
Never, nevermore from Thee to stray;
Lord, I now accept Thy promise,
I am coming home.

Many years my heart has strayed from Thee,
And now repentant to Thy throne I come;
Jesus opened up the way for me;
Now I am coming home.


Oh, the my sin has caused me,
Naught but pain and sorrow I have known;
Now I seek Thy saving grace and mercy,
I am coming home.


Fully trusting in Thy precious promise,
With no to call my own,
Pleading nothing but the blood of Jesus,
I am coming home.


Now I seek the cross where Jesus died!
For all my sins His blood will still atone,
Flowing o’er till ev’ry stain is covered,
I am coming home.


Meaning of Jesus I Am Coming Home Today

In the hymn “Jesus, I am Coming Home Today,” the speaker expresses their decision to turn away from a life of sin and return to the loving embrace of Jesus. Through the joyful recognition of the joy found in Jesus alone, the speaker acknowledges their repentance and acceptance of Jesus’ precious promise. This hymn beautifully portrays the transformative power of Jesus’ love and the hope of redemption.

The first verse of the hymn sets the tone for the rest of the song by declaring the speaker’s intention to come home to Jesus. They have discovered that true joy can only be found in a relationship with Him, and thus they have made the decision to turn away from the path of sin. This verse highlights the importance of recognizing Jesus as the source of true fulfillment and happiness.

The chorus serves as a refrain, repeating the theme of the individual’s unwavering commitment to come home to Jesus. By stating that they will never stray from Him again, the speaker emphasizes their desire for a steadfast and a lasting relationship with Jesus. This chorus captures the essence of their newfound dedication and serves as a reminder of the promise they have made.

In the second verse, the speaker reflects on the years they spent apart from Jesus. They acknowledge their past mistakes and express repentance as they approach His throne. This verse conveys the idea that no matter how far we have strayed from Jesus, there is always an opportunity for redemption and restoration. It highlights the importance of recognizing our need for a Savior and the significance of Jesus’ role in opening a path for us to come home to Him.

The third verse delves into the consequences of the speaker’s sin. They acknowledge the misery, pain, and sorrow that their actions have caused them. However, they now seek Jesus’ saving grace and mercy, understanding that He alone can alleviate their suffering. This verse reminds us that Jesus offers forgiveness and healing, even in the midst of our darkest moments.

The fourth verse emphasizes the speaker’s complete trust in Jesus’ promise of redemption. They acknowledge that they have no righteousness of their own to offer, relying solely on the blood of Jesus for . This verse underscores the importance of recognizing our own limitations and relying on the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross to bridge the gap between our sinful nature and God’s holiness.

The final verse brings our attention to the cross and Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. The speaker seeks the where Jesus died, recognizing that His blood has the power to atone for all their sins. The image of Jesus’ blood flowing over every stain serves as a powerful metaphor for the complete forgiveness and cleansing offered through His sacrifice. This verse reminds us of the depth of Jesus’ love and the extent of His mercy.

Overall, “Jesus, I am Coming Home Today” is a powerful hymn that captures the journey of repentance, redemption, and restoration. It showcases the transformative power of Jesus’ love and the hope found in returning to Him. Through its simple yet profound message, this hymn speaks to the universal human experience of guilt, forgiveness, and the desire for a renewed relationship with God. May this hymn inspire and encourage all who it to turn away from sin and come home to Jesus, finding true joy and peace in His loving arms.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformative power of Jesus's love and find joy in Him alone. Turn away from sin and come home to Jesus, embracing his precious promise. Rediscover hope, redemption, and a renewed relationship with God through this powerful hymn.


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