Jesus I Will Never Leave – Hymn Lyric
“Jesus I Will Never Leave” is a hymn that reminds us of the unwavering presence of Jesus in our lives, providing comfort and security in an uncertain world. His love for us is enduring, and even in the face of trials and challenges, we can rely on Him to be by our side. This hymn reminds us that true fulfillment and contentment can only be found in Jesus, who never abandons or betrays us.
Table of Contents
Jesus I Will Never Leave – Hymn Lyric
Jesus, I will never leave,
Who for me Himself hath given;
Firmly unto Him, I’ll cleave,
Nor from Him be ever driven.
Life from Him doth light receive,
Jesus, I will never leave.
Jesus, I will never leave,
While on earth I am abiding;
What I have to Him, I give,
In all cares in Him confiding.
Naught shall me of Him bereave,
Jesus, I will never leave.
Though my sight shall pass away,
Hearing, taste, and feeling fail me;
Though my life’s last light of day,
Shall o’ertake and sorely assail me;
When His summons I receive,
Jesus, I will never leave.
Nor will I my Jesus leave,
When at last I shall come thither,
Where His saints, He will receive,
Where in bliss, they live together.
Endless joy to me He’ll give,
Jesus, I will never leave.
Nor for earth’s vain joys I crave,
Nor, without Him, heaven’s pleasure;
Jesus, who my soul did save,
Evermore shall be my Treasure.
He redemption did achieve,
Jesus, I will never leave.
Meaning of Jesus I Will Never Leave
Jesus I Will Never Leave: Finding Comfort in the Unwavering Presence of Christ
In our ever-changing world, it can sometimes feel like everything around us is uncertain. People come and go, circumstances change, and we are left searching for stability and security. Amidst this search, we can find solace in the unwavering presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The hymn “Jesus I Will Never Leave” beautifully captures the essence of this comforting truth. It reminds us that Jesus, who gave Himself for us, will never abandon us. His love for us is enduring, steadfast, and unwavering.
As we go through life, we often encounter trials and challenges that test our faith. But knowing that Jesus will never leave us gives us the strength to face these obstacles with courage and hope. In times of darkness, we can cling firmly to Him, knowing that He is our source of light and guidance.
Just as the hymn states, even when our physical senses fail us, and we face the end of our earthly journey, Jesus will still be by our side. He will never abandon us, even in death. His presence is not limited by what we can perceive with our senses. It transcends the physical realm and accompanies us into eternity.
Moreover, we can find great comfort in knowing that our relationship with Jesus extends beyond this earthly life. When we finally come to our eternal home, He will welcome us with open arms, surrounded by His faithful saints. In His presence, we will experience endless joy and everlasting bliss.
In a world that constantly tempts us with fleeting pleasures and distractions, this hymn reminds us of the true treasure that we have in Jesus. Earthly pleasures pale in comparison to the immeasurable worth of our Savior. He is the one who redeemed us, who gave His life to save us from our sins.
It is easy to get caught up in the allure of worldly pursuits, seeking happiness in temporary things. However, the hymn’s message reminds us that true fulfillment and contentment can only be found in Jesus. He is the one who brings lasting joy and peace to our hearts.
In a society where relationships can be fragile and unreliable, it is reassuring to know that our relationship with Jesus is unbreakable. He will never abandon or betray us. As we confide in Him with all our cares, we can have confidence that He will faithfully carry us through every challenge that comes our way.
No matter who we are or where we come from, the promise of Jesus’ unwavering presence is available to all. Whether we are young or old, rich or poor, His love knows no bounds. He invites us to come to Him, to experience His never-failing love and guidance.
In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus I Will Never Leave” encapsulates the profound comfort and assurance we find in the unwavering presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. His love for us is constant and enduring, transcending the fleeting nature of this world. As we face the ups and downs of life, we can rely on His steadfastness and find solace in knowing that He will never leave us. Let us hold on to this truth and allow His unwavering presence to guide us, comfort us, and fill our hearts with joy.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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