Jesus Is Coming Tell The Glad Story – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Is Coming: Tell the Glad Story - A hymn filled with joy and urgency

Jesus Is Coming Tell The Glad Story – Hymn Lyric

Is Coming: Spreading the Good News This hymn reminds us that Jesus is coming, filling our hearts with joy and urging us to share this good news. It describes His arrival with angels and in glory, fulfilling the prophecies of old. As believers, we are called to boldly this glad and eagerly anticipate the day when Jesus will reign as King over all.


Jesus Is Coming Tell The Glad Story – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is coming, tell the glad story;
Ring out the message, swell the refrain.
He is coming with angels and glory;
To reign on earth, forever He’ll remain.

Hope of the ages and joy of the faithful,
Long foretold by Israel’s prophets of old.
Regal in splendor, transcendent in beauty;
He is the King of saints and the Judge of the world.

Jesus is coming as morning is breaking,
See the hilltops gleam with the day.
Shadows are fleeing, nations are waking;
Armed for conflict, in battle array.

Onward to victory, thou Prince of salvation;
Sound the last trumpet, echo the call.
Strike in your power, “stone of the mountain,”
Over all earthly kingdoms, you will rule overall.

Jesus is coming, judgment is nearing;
Hasten, dear sinner, do not delay.
Yield to Him now, so that at His appearing,
You will escape the wrath of that day.

Listen to His pleading in tones of compassion;
Look to the cross, for your there He .
Abundant are the rivers of His salvation,
Fresh from His feet, hands, and side.

If you reject Him, how will you meet Him?
Think of the price He paid on that tree.
He gave a full ransom for your pardon,
So from bondage, you may forever be free.

Through repentance, seek the gateway to ;
with your sins, though crimson they be.
He won’t reject you; He’s still interceding.
Take His free grace, He offers it to thee.


Meaning of Jesus Is Coming Tell The Glad Story

Jesus Is Coming: Spreading the Good News

In this hymn, we are reminded of the glorious truth that Jesus is coming. The message of His imminent arrival should fill our hearts with joy and compel us to share this good news with the world. As we ring out the message and swell the refrain, we become part of a grand narrative, eagerly anticipating the arrival of our Savior.

The lyrics describe Jesus’ arrival with angels and in glory. This imagery emphasizes the grandeur and significance of His coming. It also echoes the prophecies of the prophets of Israel who foretold His coming. For centuries, the faithful had been waiting for this momentous event, and now it is finally at hand.

As the morning breaks, we see the gleams of the day over the hilltops. The shadows of darkness are fleeing, and nations are waking up to the truth. This symbolizes the rising awareness and understanding of God’s plan for salvation among people. It is a call to action for believers to arm themselves for the spiritual conflict that lies ahead.

Jesus, the Prince of salvation, leads us onward to victory. We are urged to sound the last trumpet and echo the call. This imagery signifies the urgency and importance of sharing the gospel message. Just like a trumpet’s sound, we are called to proclaim the good news boldly and with conviction. We acknowledge that Jesus is the “stone of the mountain,” the cornerstone of our faith, who will establish His kingdom on earth and rule over all.

The hymn then takes a solemn turn as it states that judgment is nearing. It serves as a gentle warning to those who have yet to embrace Jesus as their Savior. The invitation to hasten and not delay is an urgent plea to seekers to accept Christ’s offer of salvation. By surrendering to Him now, they can escape the wrath that will come on the day of judgment.

Jesus, in His infinite compassion, with sinners to look to the cross. It is a reminder of the sacrifice He made, giving His life as a ransom for our sins. The hymn describes streams of salvation as flowing from His feet, hands, and side. This vivid imagery represents the abundant grace and forgiveness available to all who come to Him.

While it acknowledges the seriousness of sin, the hymn also emphasizes Jesus’ willingness to receive anyone who repents. The gateway to Eden, representing the restoration of our relationship with God, is open to all who seek forgiveness. No matter how stained their sins may be, Jesus will not reject them. He continues to intercede on their behalf, offering them His free and undeserved grace.

The title of the hymn, “Jesus Is Coming, Tell the Glad Story,” captures the essence of the entire hymn. It encapsulates the anticipation of Jesus’ arrival and the urgency of spreading the good news. As believers, we are called to be messengers of this glad story, sharing the hope of salvation with the world.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully expresses the excitement and urgency surrounding Jesus’ Second Coming. It calls upon believers to boldly proclaim the good news of His imminent arrival. It reminds us of the hope and joy that His coming brings and the responsibility we have to share this glad story with others. Let us therefore respond to this call and embrace our role as messengers of the good news, eagerly awaiting the day when Jesus will reign as King over all.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Jesus Is Coming: Tell the Glad Story - A hymn filled with joy and urgency, reminding us of Jesus' imminent arrival and our responsibility to share this good news with the world. Experience the hope and anticipation of His reign as King over all. Join in spreading the glad story today.


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