Jesus Is Gone Above The Skies – Hymn Lyric

Feel Jesus closer with communion. Remember his love through the Lord's table. Fix faith on Christ for eternal joy. Jesus is preparing a place for us in heaven.

Jesus Is Gone Above The Skies – Hymn Lyric

Even though Jesus may feel far away at times, he knows our hearts and thoughts. Through communion, we can remember his love and sacrifice and choose to focus on him instead of earthly distractions. Jesus is preparing a place for us in heaven, where we can be close to him forever.


Jesus Is Gone Above The Skies – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is gone above the skies,
Where our weak senses reach him not;
And carnal objects court our eyes,
To thrust our from our thought.

He knows what wand’ring hearts we have,
Apt to forget his lovely face;
And, to refresh our minds, he gave
These kind memorials of his grace.

The Lord of life his table spread
With his own and dying blood;
We on the rich provision feed,
And taste the wine and the God.

Let sinful sweets be all forgot,
And earth grow less in our esteem;
Christ and his love fill ev’ry thought,
And faith and hope be fix’d on him.

While he is absent from our sight,
‘Tis to prepare our a place;
That we may dwell in ‘nly ,
And live for ever near his face.


Meaning of Jesus Is Gone Above The Skies

Have you ever felt like Jesus is far away and hard to reach? Sometimes it can feel like our daily tasks and distractions can pull us away from thinking about our Savior. But did you that Jesus knows our hearts and thoughts, and he has given us special ways to remember him and his love for us?

One way Jesus has left for us is the Lord’s table, where we can remember his sacrifice by taking bread and wine. This simple act reminds us of the great love Jesus has for each of us. It’s like a special meal that Jesus has prepared for us, where we can taste his goodness and bless God for his grace.

When we take part in communion, we have the opportunity to put away the sinful things that tempt us and focus on Christ and his love. We can choose to about Jesus and his sacrifice instead of being distracted by the things of this world. By fixing our faith and hope on Jesus, we can grow closer to him and feel his presence in our lives.

Even though we can’t see Jesus with our eyes, he is preparing a place for us in heaven where we can be with him forever. This knowledge can bring us comfort and joy, knowing that one day we will be able to live in heavenly light and bask in the presence of our Savior.

So, the next time you feel like Jesus is far away, remember the that says, “Christ and his love fill every thought, And faith and hope be fixed on him.” Take a moment to reflect on the love that Jesus has for you, and let that love guide you in your daily life. Remember that Jesus is always near, ready to welcome you with open arms and show you the way to joy.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Feel Jesus closer with communion. Remember his love through the Lord's table. Fix faith on Christ for eternal joy. Jesus is preparing a place for us in heaven.


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