Jesus Is Risen Peal Out The Story – Hymn Lyric

"Experience the joy of Jesus' resurrection with the hymn 'Jesus Is Risen Peal Out The Story.' Learn the significance of this event and how it impacts our lives. Join the jubilee and proclaim the good news of Christ's victory!"

Jesus Is Risen Peal Out The Story – Hymn Lyric

Easter is a special time in the Christian , and the hymn “Jesus Is Risen Peal Out The Story” captures the joy and significance of Jesus’ resurrection. It calls believers to spread the good news of Christ’s victory over death by proclaiming the story and joining in the great jubilee. This hymn highlights Jesus’ ongoing role as our Savior, Redeemer, and Intercessor, assuring us of His constant presence and . Let us embrace the triumphant message of this hymn and share the story of Jesus’ resurrection with enthusiasm, bringing hope and light to the world.


Jesus Is Risen Peal Out The Story – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is risen! Peal out the story,
all ye bells, let the tidings ring;
Sing ye glad voices, hail Him the Victor,
Death He hath vanquished, all hail to the King.

Jesus is risen! Peal out the story,
Send the glad news over land and sea;
Jesus is risen, triumphant, almighty,
Join in the song of the great jubilee.

Jesus is risen! Once more He liveth,
Hail to our Savior, Redeemer and Lord;
Our Intercessor, ever and ever,
O’er us He love’s watch and ward.


Jesus is risen! Chime out triumphant,
Glad bells of Easter the glorious strain,
Out of death’s darkness into ‘s glory,
Jesus is risen, almighty to .


Meaning of Jesus Is Risen Peal Out The Story

Jesus Is Risen Peal Out The Story

When springtime paints the world with its vibrant colors, and flowers start to bloom in every nook and cranny, a different kind of celebration is on the minds and hearts of many—Easter. It’s during this season that a very special hymn echoes through churches and across fields, over hills and down into the bustling cities. This hymn is “Jesus Is Risen! Peal Out the Story,” and it carries a message that has resonated with people for centuries.

The hymn talks about Jesus, who Christians believe as their Savior and Redeemer. It speaks of a monumental event that changed the course of history: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But what exactly is this hymn all about? Why is this story so powerful that it gets an exclusive place in the melody of bells and the chorus of voices every Easter season?

The hymn starts with a grand announcement: “Jesus is risen! Peal out the story.” Imagine church bells chiming in harmony, spreading the news far and wide. The of bells has always been a way to get people’s attention, to announce something important. In the same way, this hymn invites everyone to share in the excitement and joy of the moment, declaring that something incredible has happened.

The line “Chime all ye bells, let the tidings ring” conveys this enthusiasm. It’s not just the ringing of physical bells; it’s a metaphor for sharing the good news with everyone you meet. Spreading joy and sharing happiness can be like the sound of church bells – loud, clear, and full of meaning.

With voices raised, celebrating Jesus as the Victor, the hymn reminds us of a story that is central to the Christian faith. Believers see Jesus as the one who conquered death itself, an enemy that no one on Earth has escaped. The victory it speaks about is not just any victory; it’s a triumph over the ultimate fate of humans. The words “Death He hath vanquished, all hail to the King” are a declaration of Jesus’ victory over death and his reign as King.

The refrain is the catchy part of the hymn that people sing over and over again: “Jesus is risen! Peal out the story, Send the glad news over land and sea.” It is a call to action for everyone to share the news of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. It’s not meant to be contained in one place or within a single group of people, but to be sent out across the world. Christians believe that Jesus’ resurrection is not just good news; it’s the greatest news, and it’s meant for everybody, everywhere.

“Jesus is risen! Once more He liveth,” continues the celebration by affirming the belief that Jesus, who once walked the earth, died, and was laid in a tomb, now lives again. This line is a confirmation of faith for many—Jesus is alive, looking out for his followers as a Shepherd does for his flock.

The hymn also speaks of Him as “Our Intercessor, ever and ever, O’er us He keepeth love’s watch and ward.” This is to say, Jesus is seen as someone who advocates on our behalf, watching over us with love and protection. It’s like having a guardian who never sleeps, always there to ensure we are safe and loved.

As the hymn continues, it paints a picture of a triumphant day, an Easter filled with “Glad bells of Easter the glorious strain.” It speaks of a transition, “Out of death’s darkness into God’s glory,” symbolizing hope and a new beginning, a journey from sorrow and despair into a celebration of life and light.

Finally, the hymn declares, “Jesus is risen, almighty to reign.” This line encapsulates the message of Easter—Jesus, through his resurrection, is powerful and reigns supreme. It’s a declaration that has given many people hope and peace throughout the ages.

The hymn “Jesus Is Risen! Peal Out the Story” is more than just words set to music; it’s a narrative of hope, renewal, and joy. It’s a reminder of an event that many believe offers everyone a new start, another chance, and an endless hope. It’s about telling this story to everyone, making it known through actions and words that reflect the joy and love that Easter represents.

So, on Easter Sunday, when you the chimes of bells or the melody of a , remember that they echo a story that’s been told for thousands of years. A story of a new beginning, of redemption, and of a love that reaches across all boundaries. And whether you’re singing in a church, listening to the hymns, or simply enjoying the season’s beauty, take a moment to reflect on the message of that ancient hymn: “Jesus Is Risen! Peal Out the Story.”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy of Jesus' resurrection with the hymn 'Jesus Is Risen Peal Out The Story.' Learn the significance of this event and how it impacts our lives. Join the jubilee and proclaim the good news of Christ's victory!


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