Jesus Is The Same Forever – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unchanging love of Jesus in the hymn "Jesus Is The Same Forever." Experience His constant presence

Jesus Is The Same Forever – Hymn Lyric

In this titled “Jesus Is The Same Forever,” we are reminded of the unchanging nature of Jesus and His unwavering love for us. Throughout our lives, we may go through various changes and experiences, but Jesus remains constant, always there to meet us with His yearning and tender care. His eternal nature and unchanging love are a source of comfort, strength, and assurance in our ever-changing world.


Jesus Is The Same Forever – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is the same for ever;
We may change, but Jesus never,
Jesus never.

From our wanderings home returning,
Lo, He meets us with His yearning,
Fondest yearning.
Small the service we can render,
He is patient still and tender,
-Oh, how tender!

Day by day He walks beside us,
Ours to shield us, ours to guide us,
Shield and guide us.
Calm we sleep, for He, unsleeping,
Folds us with almighty keeping,
Sleepless keeping.

Lord, the that He created
Only with Himself is sated,
Sweetly sated.
He is nearer than our nearest,
He is dearer than our dearest,
More than dearest.

He will lead us to perfection,
And complete His great election,
His election.
Down the age His purpose ranges,
Changeless in the mist of changes,
Through all changes.

For the He set before Him,
We adore Him-fall before Him,
We adore Him.
Earth! to with praises raise Him!
Heaven! with higher praising praise Him!
Praise Him, praise Him!


Meaning of Jesus Is The Same Forever

In this hymn titled “Jesus Is The Same Forever,” we are reminded of the unchanging nature of Jesus and His unwavering love for us. Throughout our lives, we may go through various changes and experiences, but Jesus remains constant, always there to meet us with His yearning and tender care.

The hymn starts by emphasizing Jesus’ eternal nature. While we may change and evolve, Jesus remains the same. His character, love, and mercy are unchanging, giving us comfort and assurance that we can always rely on Him. This constant presence is a source of comfort and strength, especially during times of uncertainty and change.

As we wander through life, Jesus welcomes us back home with open arms. He yearns for our return, longing to provide us with His guidance, love, and forgiveness. No matter how far we may stray, Jesus never stops pursuing us. This unfathomable love and yearning is something that we can never fully comprehend or repay.

When we feel inadequate in our service towards Him, Jesus shows His patience and tenderness. Our offerings may be small and humble, but He values them greatly. Jesus recognizes the effort we put in and appreciates even the smallest acts of service. His patience and tenderness are a testament to His deep love for us, as He accepts us just as we are.

Every day, Jesus walks beside us. He not only shields us from harm but also guides us along the right path. His presence brings comfort, knowing that we are not alone in our journey. With Him by our side, we can rest assured that we are protected and cared for. Even when we sleep, Jesus remains ever-vigilant, providing us with constant and unwavering protection.

The hymn reflects on the deep satisfaction and contentment that comes from having a relationship with Jesus. Our hearts were created by Him, and only in Him can they find true fulfillment. The world may offer temporary satisfaction, but only in Jesus can our hearts find lasting joy and . He fills our hearts with His love, perfectly satisfying our deepest longings.

Jesus is not just a distant figure but a close and intimate companion. He is nearer than our nearest and dearer than our dearest. There is no relationship on earth that can compare to the love and closeness we can experience with Him. He knows us intimately, understanding our needs, hopes, and fears. We can trust in His love and rely on His guidance, knowing that He will always be there for us.

Furthermore, Jesus is not only concerned with our present but also our future. He is leading us towards perfection, helping us grow and develop according to His divine plan. His love for us goes beyond the present moment and encompasses His eternal purpose. We can trust that He will complete His great work in us, molding us into the image of His .

Throughout the ages, Jesus’ purpose remains the same. He is unchanging amidst the shifting and unpredictable world. His love, grace, and truth stand firm in the midst of any changes and challenges we face. We can find stability and security in His unchanging character, knowing that we have a solid foundation on which to our lives.

In light of His unchanging nature, we are called to adore and worship Him. The hymn encourages the earth and heaven to raise their voices in praise of Jesus. His love and faithfulness deserve our highest praises. As we magnify His name and acknowledge His greatness, we are reminded of His constant presence and the He bestows upon us.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully portrays Jesus’ unchanging nature and His unwavering love for us. As we go through life’s ups and downs, we can find solace and assurance in knowing that Jesus is always with us, guiding us, and loving us. His faithfulness and constancy provide the stability and comfort we need in an ever-changing world. Let us lift our voices in praise and adoration to the unchanging who is the same forever. Praise Him, praise Him!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unchanging love of Jesus in the hymn Jesus Is The Same Forever. Experience His constant presence, yearning, and tender care as you navigate life's changes. Trust in His guidance for your eternal perfection. Praise Him forever!


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