Jesus Lead Thou On – Hymn Lyric
In this hymn, we are reminded of how Jesus leads us through life’s challenges with calm and fearlessness. His guidance brings us comfort and strength as we journey towards our ultimate rest in Him. With Jesus as our heavenly Leader, we can trust in His protection and guidance as we strive towards our eternal home in our fatherland.
Table of Contents
Jesus Lead Thou On – Hymn Lyric
Jesus, lead Thou on
Till our rest is won;
And although the way be cheerless,
We will follow calm and fearless.
Guide us by Thy hand
To our fatherland.
If the way be drear,
If the foe be near,
Let not faithless fears o’ertake us;
Let not faith and hope forsake us;
For through many a woe
To our home we go.
When we seek relief
From a long-felt grief;
When temptations come alluring,
Make us patient and enduring;
Show us that bright shore
Where we weep no more.
Jesus, lead Thou on
Till our rest is won.
Heavenly Leader, still direct us,
Still support, control, protect us,
Till we safely stand
In our fatherland.
Meaning of Jesus Lead Thou On
In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the comforting and guiding presence of Jesus in our lives. Just like a leader who shows us the way through a dark and difficult path, Jesus is always there to lead us on until we reach our ultimate rest in Him.
Life can sometimes feel cheerless and daunting, with challenges and obstacles at every turn. But with Jesus by our side, we can follow calmly and fearlessly, knowing that He is guiding us every step of the way. His hand is always there to gently lead us towards our heavenly fatherland, where we will find true peace and rest.
Even when the road ahead seems dreary and the enemy is close at hand, we can trust in Jesus to keep us safe and secure. We must not let our faith waver or our hope falter, for it is through trust in Him that we can overcome any trial or tribulation that we may face. Despite the many sorrows and struggles we may encounter, we can take comfort in the fact that our ultimate home is in heaven, where tears will be wiped away and joy will abound.
When we find ourselves weighed down by grief or tempted by the allure of sin, we can turn to Jesus for strength and endurance. He is always there to help us be patient and steadfast in the face of adversity, showing us the way to a brighter shore where pain and sorrow will be no more. In times of trouble and doubt, we can rely on His guidance to lead us to a place of everlasting peace and joy.
So let us continue to trust in Jesus, our heavenly Leader, as He leads us on towards our ultimate rest in Him. May He always be our support, our protector, and our guide, helping us to stand firm in our faith until we reach our eternal home in our fatherland. With Jesus leading the way, we can be assured that we are never alone and that He will always be there to lead us on.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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