Jesus Loves Us Dearly – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the incredible love Jesus has for us with the hymn 'Jesus Loves Us Dearly.' Smile and sing daily for our blessed King who gives us everything we need. Don't miss out on His unconditional love!"

Jesus Loves Us Dearly – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Loves Us Dearly” is a that reminds us of the incredible love Jesus has for us. It encourages us to smile and sing for Him every day and to share our with others. By remaining loyal to Jesus, we can experience His unnumbered blessings in our lives.


Jesus Loves Us Dearly – Hymn Lyric

Jesus loves us dearly,
Gives us ev’rything,
So for Jesus daily,
We will smile and sing.

S-M-I-L-E is smile,
S-I-N-G, sing,
All the while
We’ll sing and smile
For our King.

There are little children
Who are always sad;
Songs would make them cheerful
Smiles would make them glad.


Some there are who never
Sing our Saviour’s ,
But we mean to praise Him,
All our earthly days.


He will keep us loyal,
If with Him we live,
And unnumbered blessings
To His children give.


Meaning of Jesus Loves Us Dearly

When we think about love, we often think about the love we receive from our family and friends. But there is someone else who loves us dearly, and that is Jesus. In the hymn “Jesus Loves Us Dearly,” we are reminded of this incredible love that Jesus has for each and every one of us.

The hymn begins by telling us that Jesus loves us dearly and gives us everything. Just think about that for a moment. Jesus, who is the of God, loves us with a love that is beyond measure. He loves us so much that He willingly gave up His life for us on the cross. And not only does He love us, but He also gives us everything we need. He provides for our physical needs – food, shelter, clothing – but He also gives us so much more. He gives us love, joy, , and all the other fruits of the Spirit.

Because of all that Jesus has done for us, the hymn encourages us to smile and sing for Jesus daily. Our smiles and songs are an expression of our gratitude and love for Him. When we smile, it is a way of showing that we are joyful and thankful for His love. And when we sing, it is a way of praising Him and declaring His goodness. So let’s remember to smile and sing for our blessed King every day.

Not only should we smile and sing for Jesus, but we should also share our joy with others, especially those who are sad. The hymn reminds us that there are little children who are always sad, and songs would make them cheerful and smiles would make them glad. Our smiles and songs have the power to joy to others. We can make a difference in someone’s day just by sharing the love and joy that Jesus has given us.

There may be people who never sing our Savior’s praise, but that should not discourage us. The hymn tells us that we mean to praise Him all our earthly days. We are not swayed by the opinions or actions of others. We know the truth of who Jesus is and what He has done for us, and we will continue to praise Him no matter what. Our praise is not dependent on the circumstances or the attitudes of others. We choose to praise Him because He is worthy of all our praise.

As we live our lives with Jesus, the hymn assures us that He will keep us loyal. Loyal to what? Loyal to Him and to His teachings. When we live with Jesus, we strive to follow His example and His commandments. We seek to love God and love others just as He loved us. And when we remain loyal to Him, He us with unnumbered blessings. These blessings may not always be material possessions, but rather the intangible blessings of peace, joy, and a deep relationship with Him.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Loves Us Dearly” reminds us of the incredible love that Jesus has for us. It encourages us to smile and sing for Him daily, and to share our joy with others. It reminds us to praise Him no matter what, and to remain loyal to Him. And it assures us that when we live with Him, He will bless us abundantly. So let’s hold onto the truth of this hymn and live our lives with a smile on our faces and a in our hearts, knowing that we are dearly loved by Jesus, our blessed King.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible love Jesus has for us with the hymn 'Jesus Loves Us Dearly.' Smile and sing daily for our blessed King who gives us everything we need. Don't miss out on His unconditional love!


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