Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice – Hymn Lyric

Find joy and peace in Jesus

Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice – Hymn Lyric

Makes My Heart Rejoice” reminds us of the joy and peace we can find in Jesus, our loving Shepherd. He knows us intimately, guides us on the right path, and provides for all our needs. In His presence, we find rest and are filled with gladness, knowing that our lot is truly blessed.


Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice – Hymn Lyric

Jesus makes my heart rejoice,
I’m His sheep, and His voice;
He’s a Shepherd, kind and gracious,
And His pastures are delicious;
Constant love to me He shows,
Yea, my very name He knows.

Trusting His mild staff always,
I go in and out in peace;
He will feed me with
Of His grace in richest measure;
When athirst to Him I cry,
Living He’ll supply.

Should not I for gladness leap,
Led by Jesus as His sheep?
For when these blest days are over,
To the arms of my dear Savior
I shall be conveyed to rest:
Amen, yea, my lot is blest.


Meaning of Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice

Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice: Finding Joy and Peace in the Arms of Our Shepherd

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded that we are like sheep to our beloved Shepherd, Jesus. Just like sheep follow their shepherd’s voice and find comfort in green pastures, we find joy and peace in the loving care of Jesus. Let’s take a closer look at the inspiring message behind these verses.

Jesus, our Shepherd, is not just any ordinary shepherd. He is kind and gracious, always us with His gentle and loving touch. His pastures are described as delicious, which means they are more than just food for our physical bodies. They nourish our and us great joy. When we ourselves to Him, we experience His constant love and care.

Imagine having someone who knows you so intimately that He even knows your name. Jesus, our loving Shepherd, knows everything about us. He knows our fears, our hopes, and our dreams. This deep intimate brings us comfort and reassurance that we are never alone. We can trust in Him completely.

When we trust in Jesus and follow His lead, we can go in and out in peace. He guides us on the right path and protects us from harm. We don’t need to worry about the uncertainties of life because He is there with us, providing for all our needs. Just like a shepherd with his staff, Jesus walks beside us, ready to defend us from any danger that may come our way.

And not only does Jesus provide for our physical needs, but He also feeds us with the treasure of His grace. His grace is like a never-ending feast that satisfies our souls. When we feel empty and thirsty, all we need to do is cry out to Him, and He will supply us with the living water that quenches our deepest thirst. His love and grace are abundant and always available to us.

Shouldn’t we then leap for joy when we are led by Jesus as His sheep? Knowing that we have a loving Shepherd who cares for us and leads us to green pastures should bring immense gladness to our hearts. Even amidst the challenges and struggles of life, we can find joy in the knowledge that we are not alone. Jesus is with us, guiding and protecting us every step of the way.

The hymn also reminds us that these blessed days with Jesus are just the beginning. There will come a time when we will be conveyed to rest in the arms of our Savior. Our journey on this earth is temporary, but our resting place is with Jesus. This thought fills us with hope and reassurance that no matter what we face in this life, we have a blessed future ahead of us.

In conclusion, “Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice” is not just a hymn but a reminder of the joy and peace we can find in our loving Shepherd, Jesus. He knows us intimately, guides us on the right path, and provides for all our needs. In His presence, we find rest and are filled with gladness. Let us hold onto the promises of this hymn and trust that our lot is truly blessed.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find joy and peace in Jesus, our Shepherd. This hymn reminds us of His constant love and care. Trust His guidance and find rest in His loving arms.


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