Jesus Master Hear Me Now – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Master Hear Me Now: A heartfelt plea to renew vows and strengthen our connection with Jesus. Reflect on His dying love and be fed spiritually by His sacrifice. Connect with Him through communion and find comfort in His unwavering love. Renew your vows with Jesus

Jesus Master Hear Me Now – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Master Hear Me Now” is a renewal of vows and a plea for guidance in strengthening our connection with Jesus. The hymn emphasizes reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice, with the bread symbolizing His broken body and the wine representing His shed blood. It reminds us to approach Jesus with an open heart and find solace in communal worship, as He is always ready to hear our prayers and offer us His unwavering love.


Jesus Master Hear Me Now – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, Master, hear me now,
While I would renew my vow,
And record Thy dying love;
Hear, and help me from above.

Feed me, , with this bread,
Broken in Thy body’s stead;
Cheer my spirit with this wine,
Streaming like that blood of Thine.

And as now I eat and drink,
Let me truly, think,
Thou didst hang upon the tree,
Broken, bleeding, therefor me.


Meaning of Jesus Master Hear Me Now

Jesus, Master, Hear Me Now: A Renewal of Vows

In this hymn, we find the heartfelt plea of an individual who desires to rededicate themselves to Jesus and His teachings. It is a cry for help and a request for guidance, as the person seeks to strengthen their connection with the Lord.

The first verse speaks of the to renew vows and acknowledge the dying love of Jesus. It exemplifies the importance of reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice and the impact it has on our lives. The hymn encourages us to take a moment to pause and recognize the incredible act of love that Jesus demonstrated by willingly giving His for us.

The second verse uses the metaphor of feeding to portray our deep spiritual hunger. Just as physical food nourishes our bodies, we yearn to be spiritually fed by Jesus’ teachings and the sustenance He provides. The bread mentioned symbolizes His body, broken for our , and the wine represents His blood, shed for our redemption.

When we partake in the act of communion, ingesting the bread and wine, it becomes an opportunity for us to connect with Jesus on a deeper level. As we consume these elements, we are invited to truly think about and appreciate the sacrifice He made on the cross.

The hymn emphasizes the importance of personal reflection during communion. It encourages us to meditate on Jesus hanging upon the tree, broken and bleeding, solely for our sake. This act of contemplation helps us internalize the enormity of His love and sacrifice, fostering a more profound appreciation for our .

As we these words and express our desire for Jesus to hear us, it is crucial to remember that He does indeed hear us. Jesus is always listening, ready to offer guidance and support when we reach out to Him.

Imagine Jesus, the gentle Master, bending down to to our prayers and pleas. His love knows no bounds, and His understanding surpasses all. In reverence, we can approach Him with our joys, our worries, and our hopes. He is there, waiting to provide solace and reassurance.

When we come before Jesus, it is vital to approach Him with an open heart and a willingness to receive. He invites us to lay our burdens at His feet and surrender our troubles to Him. In return, He offers us comfort, guidance, and a sense of purpose.

This hymn also reminds us of the power of communal worship, especially during the act of communion. Although we may be individuals, we are united in faith and purpose. When we gather together to partake in this sacred ritual, we are participating in a shared experience that connects us to each other and to Jesus.

As we sing these words, we can find comfort in knowing that we are not alone on this journey of faith. Jesus, our Master, is ever-present, guiding us through the challenges of life and offering us His unwavering love.

No matter our age or grade, whether we are in 7th grade or beyond, this hymn serves as a reminder of the importance of renewing our vows with Jesus. It prompts us to pause, reflect, and reconnect with Him on a personal level. Let us remember that He is always ready to hear us whenever we call upon His name.

So, as we sing this hymn and reflect upon its meaning, may it serve as a gentle reminder to continually renew our vows with Jesus, the loving Master who hears our every prayer and provides us with the sustenance we need for our spiritual journeys.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Jesus Master Hear Me Now: A heartfelt plea to renew vows and strengthen our connection with Jesus. Reflect on His dying love and be fed spiritually by His sacrifice. Connect with Him through communion and find comfort in His unwavering love. Renew your vows with Jesus, the loving Master who hears your every prayer.


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