Jesus, Meek And Lowly – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of Jesus

Jesus, Meek And Lowly – Hymn Lyric



Jesus, Meek And Lowly – Hymn Lyric

, meek and lowly,
, pure and holy,
on thy relying
hear me humbly crying.

Prince of life and power,
my salvation’s tower,
on the I view thee
calling sinners to thee.

There behold me gazing
at the sight amazing;
bending low before thee,
I adore thee.

By thy red wounds streaming,
with thy life-blood gleaming,
blood for sinners flowing,
pardon bestowing;

by that fount of blessing,
thy dear love expressing,
all my aching sadness
turn thou into gladness.

Lord, in mercy guide me,
be thou e’er beside me;
in thy ways direct me,
‘neath thy wings protect me.


Meaning of Jesus, Meek And Lowly

Jesus, Meek And Lowly: Finding and Redemption in His Love

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, it is a comfort to know that there is someone who is meek and lowly, yet possesses the power to save and bring forth purity and holiness. Jesus, our Savior, is the embodiment of love and mercy, always ready to listen to our humble cries for . In this hymn, we are reminded of the depth of His love and the extent to which He went to call sinners, like you and me, to Himself.

As we reflect on the words of this hymn, we cannot help but be moved by the image of Jesus hanging on the cross, willingly sacrificing Himself for the sake of humanity. It is through His red wounds, streaming with lifeblood, that the forgiveness and salvation of sinners flows freely. In this act of selflessness, Jesus offers us the ultimate pardon, wiping away our sins and bringing us into a state of eternal grace.

When we gaze at this amazing sight, we cannot help but feel a sense of awe and reverence. We are reminded of our own helplessness and fallibility in the face of His perfect love and sacrifice. It is in this position of humility that we find ourselves bending low before Him, offering our adoration and for His boundless mercy.

It is through His wounds that Jesus expresses His dear love for us, opening a fount of blessing that has the power to turn our sadness into gladness. The hymn speaks to the aching sadness that resides within our hearts, acknowledging that life can be filled with pain and despair. However, Jesus, meek and lowly, offers us the hope and joy that can only come from Him. Through His love, He heals our brokenness and provides the strength to persevere through life’s challenges.

As the Prince of life and power, Jesus guides us on our journey towards redemption and salvation. We can take comfort in the fact that He is always beside us, ready to lend a helping hand and offer guidance when we need it most. With Him as our beacon of , we can trust that we are headed in the right direction, even when the path seems unclear.

In this hymn, we are reminded to seek His ways and allow Him to direct our steps. By doing so, we place our trust in His wisdom and align ourselves with His perfect will. Jesus, meek and lowly, holds the key to true fulfillment and peace. It is under the shelter of His wings that we find protection from the storms of life, knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

As we sing this hymn of adoration and praise, let us remember the significance of Jesus, meek and lowly. Through His sacrifice, He offers us salvation and the promise of eternal life. He invites us to come as we are, with all our sorrows and sins, and find solace in His love. Let us embrace His meekness and humility, allowing it to shape our own character and actions.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus, Meek And Lowly” reminds us of the incredible love and sacrifice that Jesus has bestowed upon us. It speaks to the depths of our hearts, calling us to recognize our need for Him and find hope in His saving grace. May we always seek His guidance, trust in His ways, and allow His meekness and lowliness to transform our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of Jesus, Meek And Lowly: His love, sacrifice, and salvation. Find hope and redemption in His meekness and humility. Experience the joy of His forgiveness and eternal grace. Seek His guidance and protection in this chaotic world.


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