Jesus, Merciful And Mild – Hymn Lyric
In our journey through life, we find comfort and guidance in the arms of Jesus, who is merciful and mild. When we feel lost or weary, we can lean on Him and find forgiveness, grace, and love. Jesus is our Savior who understands and cares for us, offering solace and strength in His embrace.
Table of Contents
Jesus, Merciful And Mild – Hymn Lyric
Jesus, merciful and mild, lead me
as a helpless child:
On no other arm but Thine would my weary soul recline.
Thou art ready to forgive, Thou canst bid the sinner live;
Guide the wanderer, day by day, in the straight and narrow way.
Thou canst fit me by Thy grace for the heavenly dwelling place;
All Thy promises are sure, ever shall Thy love endure;
Then what more could I desire, how to greater bliss aspire?
All I need, in Thee I see; Thou art all in all to me.
Jesus, Savior all divine, hast Thou made me truly Thine?
Hast Thou bought me by Thy blood? Reconciled my heart to God?
Hearken to my tender prayer; let me Thine own image bear.
Let me love Thee more and more till I reach Heav’n’s blissful shore.
Meaning of Jesus, Merciful And Mild
Jesus, Merciful And Mild: Finding Comfort and Guidance in the Arms of Jesus
In our journey through life, there are times when we feel lost and in need of a guiding hand. We long for someone who can understand our struggles and offer us comfort and reassurance. Luckily, we have Jesus, who is merciful and mild, always ready to lead us like a helpless child.
When we are tired and weary, when our souls long for rest, there is no other arm on which we can lean but Jesus’. His embrace is warm and loving, offering us solace and peace. In His presence, we find forgiveness for our sins and the promise of new life. Jesus can make the sinner live and make the wanderer find their way along the straight and narrow path.
With His grace, Jesus can shape us and mold us, preparing us for our heavenly home. We can trust in His promises, for they are steadfast and true. His love for us endures throughout all eternity. When we have Jesus, we lack nothing else, for He fulfills all our needs. He is our everything.
Jesus, our divine Savior, has claimed us as His own. By shedding His blood on the cross, He has reconciled our hearts with God. Through Him, we find redemption and salvation. In our prayers, we turn to Him, knowing that He listens attentively, always ready to grant us our heart’s desires.
We long to reflect His image in our lives. We aspire to love Him more and more each day. It is through our love for Jesus that we can experience the bliss of heaven. As we strive to emulate His compassion and kindness, we become more like Him, and His love shines through us.
Jesus, merciful and mild, we trust in Your guidance. Lead us in the path of righteousness, that we may walk in Your footsteps. Help us to love You and others more deeply, so that we may experience the fullness of joy that awaits us in heaven.
As we sing this hymn, the words resonate deeply within us. They remind us of the love and compassion that Jesus has for each and every one of us. We are not alone in our journey; He is always by our side, willing to hold our hand and guide us through life’s challenges.
In our troubled world, it is comforting to know that there is a Savior who understands and cares for us. Through His mercy and compassion, we find hope and strength. We can take refuge in His arms, knowing that He will never abandon us.
When we feel lost or uncertain, let us remember the words of this hymn and seek solace in Jesus. Let us trust in His merciful and mild nature, finding comfort and guidance in His loving embrace. For He is the source of all that is good, and in Him, we find true peace and happiness.
Jesus, merciful and mild, we thank You for Your endless love and compassion. May we always turn to You in times of need, finding comfort and guidance in Your embrace. Help us to live as Your disciples, spreading Your love and light to those around us. Amen.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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