Jesus My Righteousness My Life – Hymn Lyric

Experience the powerful hymn "Jesus My Righteousness My Life" that reminds us of the love and sacrifice of Jesus

Jesus My Righteousness My Life – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus my righteousness” is a powerful that reminds us of the and sacrifice of our Savior, giving us hope and forgiveness. Jesus is not just our righteousness, but also our source of joy and life, guiding us through uncertainty and fear. Through his sacrifice, we are made in God’s eyes, able to find peace and strength in his presence.


Jesus My Righteousness My Life – Hymn Lyric

Jesus my righteousness,
My life and future joys;
My source and fount of ev’ry ,
My hope that never dies.

I was condemn’d to die,
With all the sinful race:
But Jesus cast a pit’ing eye
And purchas’d pard’ning grace.

His death, and that alone,
Could all sufficient be;
To gain a pardon or ,
Or gain relief for me.

No righteousness of mine,
Or all that in my lay,
Could satisfy the law ,
Or bear my sins .

All off’rings were in vain,
That ever could be brought,
Without effects they must remain,
And were esteem’d as nought.

All would be filth and dross,
Except the Saviour’s blood:
That which he shed upon the Cross
To make us sons of God.

That righteousness I ,
For which my Jesus died;
No other righteousness I
To make me justified.


Meaning of Jesus My Righteousness My Life

Jesus my righteousness! What a powerful hymn that captures the essence of our faith and the hope we have in our Savior. The lyrics remind us of the immense love and sacrifice that Jesus made for us, giving us a source of joy, hope, and forgiveness that never fades.

When we think about our lives and the future, it’s easy to feel uncertain and sometimes afraid of what’s to come. But knowing that Jesus is our righteousness means that we can trust in Him to guide us and give us the strength we need. He is the source of all the good things in our lives, our fount of every bliss. With Jesus by our side, we have a hope that never dies, a hope that transcends all challenges and difficulties.

We know that we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, deserving condemnation and death. But because of Jesus’ compassionate love for us, he looked upon us with pity and purchased grace for us through his death on the cross. His sacrifice was enough to pay the price for our sins, to offer us forgiveness and new life. We are no longer bound by our past mistakes and failures, for Jesus has set us free.

There is nothing we could ever do on our own to earn God’s favor or to atone for our sins. Our own righteousness is like filthy rags in comparison to the purity and perfection of Jesus. All our efforts to be good and righteous fall short, but Jesus’ blood shed on the cross makes us clean and whole. It is through his sacrifice that we are made sons and daughters of God, adopted into his family and given a new identity as righteous and blameless in his sight.

When we come before God, we have nothing to offer but the righteousness of Jesus. It is his righteousness that we plead, the righteousness for which he died on the cross. We don’t need to rely on our own good works or deeds to be justified in God’s eyes, for Jesus’ sacrifice has already paid the debt for our sins. All we need to do is put our faith and trust in him, accepting his gift of grace and forgiveness.

As we sing this hymn and meditate on its lyrics, let us be reminded of the incredible love and mercy of our Savior. Jesus is not just our righteousness, but he is also our life. He is the one who sustains us, guides us, and gives us strength for each day. May we continue to place our hope and trust in him, knowing that he is faithful to fulfill his promises and to lead us on the path of righteousness. .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the powerful hymn Jesus My Righteousness My Life that reminds us of the love and sacrifice of Jesus, offering us hope, joy, and forgiveness. Trust in His righteousness for a life of purpose and grace.


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