Jesus, My Savior, Is Precious To Me – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unwavering care and love of Jesus with "Jesus

Jesus, My Savior, Is Precious To Me – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, My , Is Precious To Me” is a hymn that expresses our deep affection and towards Jesus, who serves as both our Savior and source of love and protection. Through its verses, we are reminded of Jesus’ unwavering care for us, assuring us that we are never alone in our journey through life. Jesus’ love brings us happiness, freedom, and security, making Him truly precious to us.


Jesus, My Savior, Is Precious To Me – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, my Savior, is precious to me,
He careth for me;
Loving and keeping me happy and free,
He careth for me.

He careth for me, He careth for me,
He loves and He keeps me,
I’m happy and free.

He careth for me, He careth for me,
He loves and He keeps me,
He careth for me.

Tho’ storms and tempests may break o’er my soul,
He careth for me;
Safely I’m kept under Jesus’ control,
He careth for me.

When I am tempted and wander astray,
He careth for me;
When I grow and faint by the way,
He careth for me.

Tho’ my leads me where dangers betide,
He careth for me;
Still He is with me, my Shield and my Guide,
He careth for me.


Meaning of Jesus, My Savior, Is Precious To Me

Jesus, My Savior, Is Precious To Me: A Song of Love and Protection

When we sing the hymn “Jesus, My Savior, Is Precious To Me,” we express our deep affection and gratitude towards Jesus, who is not only our Savior but also our constant source of love and protection. Each verse of this hymn reveals the unwavering care and devotion that Jesus has for His followers, assuring us that we are never alone in our journey of life.

In the first verse, we proclaim that Jesus, our Savior, is precious to us because He cares for us. We can find comfort in knowing that He watches over us, lovingly guiding us through the ups and downs of life. His care brings us happiness and freedom, allowing us to experience joy and in His presence. With Jesus by our side, we can face any challenge that comes our way.

The second verse emphasizes the unyielding support and protection Jesus provides, even in the midst of storms and tempests. Just as a ship finds safety in the harbor during a raging storm, we too find refuge in Jesus’ loving embrace. He keeps us sheltered under His control, shielding us from harm and danger. We need not fear the trials that may our way because Jesus is our ever-present protector.

Throughout our journey, we may occasionally stray from the path set before us. Whether it be through temptation or weariness, we may find ourselves wandering astray. Yet, Jesus continues to care for us. He patiently waits for us, ready to guide us back onto the right path. His love is unwavering, even when we falter. He is the steady compass that navigates us through difficult times.

In verse four, we acknowledge that our path may sometimes lead to places where dangers lurk. However, we need not fear because Jesus is our Shield and Guide. He walks beside us, shielding us from harm and leading us safely through treacherous territories. With Him by our side, we can walk confidently, knowing that He will protect us from all harm.

This hymn helps us understand that Jesus’ care for us is boundless and . His love never wavers, no matter the circumstances. We can rely on Him during moments of doubt, knowing that He is faithfully watching over us. He is our constant companion, always caring for us with tender compassion.

Now, let us reflect on the significance of this hymn in our lives. As seventh-graders, many of us may be navigating through a period of great change and uncertainty. We face new challenges, grapple with difficult emotions, and strive to find our in the world. However, amidst all the tumult, we can find solace in the fact that Jesus is with us, caring for us every step of the way.

When schoolwork becomes overwhelming and we grow weary, Jesus cares for us. He understands our struggles and offers us the strength to persevere. In those moments, we can turn to Him, finding comfort in His unwavering love. We are never alone in our academic journey; Jesus walks beside us, offering His guiding hand.

As we face various and peer pressures, Jesus continues to care for us. He provides us with the wisdom and discernment to make the right choices, helping us resist the allure of harmful influences. When we find ourselves straying from the path of righteousness, Jesus is there, gently nudging us back onto the right track. His love is our guiding light, always leading us towards goodness and truth.

In our relationships with friends and family, Jesus’ care for us remains steadfast. He understands the challenges we face, the joys we experience, and the pain we endure. We can turn to Him for comfort and support, knowing that His love is constant. Whether we feel accepted or rejected by our peers, Jesus assures us that we are loved and valued.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus, My Savior, Is Precious To Me” reminds us of Jesus’ abiding care for us. He loves us unconditionally and offers us guidance, protection, and comfort. We can find solace in this truth, knowing that we are never alone in our journey through life. Jesus is our Savior, our Shield, and our Guide. His love brings us happiness, freedom, and eternal security. May we always cherish and proclaim the preciousness of Jesus, our Savior, in our hearts and lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unwavering care and love of Jesus with Jesus, My Savior, Is Precious To Me. Find comfort in His guidance, protection, and eternal security. Jesus cares for you.


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