Jesus, My Truth, My Way – Hymn Lyric

Find solace and strength in Jesus

Jesus, My Truth, My Way – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, My Truth, My Way: Guiding Light in ‘s Journey” explores the profound message of finding solace and strength in Jesus Christ. Through the hymn, we are reminded that Jesus is our ultimate source of truth, wisdom, and guidance in a filled with confusion and uncertainty. As we navigate life’s challenges, we can rely on Jesus as our steadfast companion and be transformed by His and grace.


Jesus, My Truth, My Way – Hymn Lyric

My Lord, my Truth, my Way,
My sure, unerring light,
On my feeble steps I stay,
Which Thou wilt guide aright.

My Wisdom and my Guide,
My Counsellor Thou art;
O never let me leave Thy side,
Or from Thy paths depart!

I lift my eyes to Thee,
Thou gracious, bleeding Lamb,
That I may now enlightened be,
And never put to shame.

Never will I remove
Out of Thy hands my cause;
But rest in Thy redeeming love,
And hang upon Thy cross.

Teach me the art
In all things to depend
On Thee; O never, Lord, depart,
But love me to the end!

Still stir me up to strive
With Thee in strength divine;
And every moment, Lord, revive
This fainting of mine.

Persist to save my soul
Throughout the fiery hour,
Till I am every whit made whole,
And show forth all thy power.

Through fire and
Into the wealthy place;
And teach me the new song to ,
When perfected in grace.

O make me all like Thee,
Before I hence remove!
Settle, confirm, and stablish me,
And build me up in love.

Let me Thy witness live,
When sin is all destroyed;
And then my spotless soul receive,
And take me home to God.


Meaning of Jesus, My Truth, My Way

Jesus, My Truth, My Way: Guiding Light in Life’s Journey

In our daily lives, we often find ourselves searching for something or someone to trust and rely upon. We seek guidance and assurance, especially when faced with challenges and uncertainties. Fortunately, for those who have faith, there is a steadfast source of truth, wisdom, and direction – Jesus Christ. Through the hymn “Jesus, My Truth, My Way,” we explore the profound message of finding solace and strength in Jesus, our guiding light.

The hymn begins with the powerful declaration, “My Lord, my Truth, my Way, My sure, unerring light.” These words remind us that Jesus is not just a teacher or a prophet, but the ultimate source of truth and wisdom. In a world filled with confusion and misinformation, Jesus provides us with unwavering guidance. He illuminates our path and helps us make wise choices.

The hymn writer expresses a heartfelt desire to stay close to Jesus, acknowledging Him as their guide and counselor. They plea, “O never let me leave Thy side, Or from Thy paths depart!” This plea echoes a sentiment that resonates in many hearts – the longing for a constant and reliable companion. Jesus is the one we can lean on in times of uncertainty, knowing that He will always be there to lead us in the right direction.

As the hymn progresses, the imagery of Jesus as the gracious, bleeding Lamb is introduced. This vivid picture reminds us of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for our . It is through His selfless act that we find enlightenment and salvation. The hymn writer seeks to be continually enlightened by Jesus, to be shaped by His love and grace, and to live a life free from shame and guilt.

The hymn further emphasizes the writer’s dependence on Jesus and the desire for His continuous presence. They express the need to be stirred up and revived by Him, acknowledging their own limitations and reliance on His divine strength. This sentiment serves as a reminder that we cannot navigate life’s challenges alone. We need Jesus to empower us, encourage us, and revive our spirits when we feel weak or weary.

The hymn also acknowledges the inevitability of trials and testing that believers may face. The writer asks Jesus to persist in saving their soul throughout the fiery hour, promising to show forth His power and glory. This plea reflects the understanding that trials and hardships ultimately refine and strengthen our faith. It is during these times that Jesus’ guidance and presence can be felt most profoundly.

In the latter part of the hymn, the writer implores Jesus to bring them through fire and water into a wealthy place, symbolizing a place of spiritual abundance and fulfillment. They long to be transformed and made whole, to experience the fullness of His grace. It is through these transformative experiences that we are enabled to sing a new song – a song of victory and gratitude for Jesus’ faithfulness and love.

The hymn concludes with a heartfelt prayer for personal transformation and divine intervention. The writer desires to be made more like Jesus, to be settled, confirmed, and established in love. They yearn to live as a witness of Jesus’ transforming power, to be set free from the bondage of sin. And, ultimately, they long for the day when their soul will be received by Jesus, to be taken home to God.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus, My Truth, My Way” beautifully encapsulates the longing for guidance, assurance, and transformation that many believers experience. It reminds us that Jesus is not only our Savior, but also our guiding light in life’s journey. As we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of life, we can find solace and strength in Jesus, the source of unwavering truth, wisdom, and love. May we all strive to walk in His light and allow Him to shape us into His likeness.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find solace and strength in Jesus, our guiding light. Explore the profound message of the hymn Jesus, My Truth, My Way and discover the unwavering truth, wisdom, and love of our Savior. Walk in His light and be transformed by His presence.


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