Jesus Only Jesus He Is All We Need – Hymn Lyric

"Find solace and strength in Jesus - the only one we need. From his amazing love and sacrifice to his faithfulness

Jesus Only Jesus He Is All We Need – Hymn Lyric

In this hymn titled “ Only Jesus He Is All We Need,” we are reminded of the incredible love and sacrifice that Jesus made for us. The lyrics emphasize the centrality of Jesus in our lives and call us to ourselves to him completely. It is a powerful message of devotion and reliance on Jesus as our Savior.


Jesus Only Jesus He Is All We Need – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, only Jesus, He is all we need,
He who doth forever, For us intercede.

Jesus, Jesus! At thy feet we fall;
Precious Savior, Jesus! art all in all.

Jesus, blessed Jesus, from heav’n above,
Bore our and sorrows; Ah, amazing love! [Chorus]

Jesus, gracious Jesus, He for us has died;
What a gracious Savior Is the ! [Chorus]

Jesus, holy Jesus, Bids us God to serve;
From that holy service May we never swerve. [Chorus]

Jesus, faithful Jesus, Ne’er will he forsake;
From his daily presence May we courage take. [Chorus]    

Meaning of Jesus Only Jesus He Is All We Need

In this hymn, titled “Jesus Only Jesus He Is All We Need,” we find a beautiful message of devotion and reliance on Jesus, our Savior. Throughout the verses, we are reminded of the incredible love and sacrifice Jesus made for us, and the call to serve and remain faithful to him.

The first verse declares, “Jesus, only Jesus, He is all we need.” This is a powerful statement that emphasizes the centrality of Jesus in our lives. It reminds us that our ultimate source of fulfillment, purpose, and salvation can be found in him alone. In a world filled with distractions and temptations, it is important to remember that Jesus is truly all we need.

The chorus repeats the title phrase, “Jesus, blessed Jesus! At thy feet we fall; Precious Savior, Jesus! Thou art all in all.” This repetition reinforces the message that Jesus is indeed blessed and precious to us. It encourages us to humbly surrender ourselves before him, acknowledging his holiness and recognizing that he is everything we could ever need or desire.

The second verse reminds us of the amazing love displayed by Jesus when he came from above to bear our sins and sorrows. The hymn writer marvels at this sacrificial love, recognizing that it is truly astonishing. This verse highlights the depth of Jesus’ compassion and serves as a powerful reminder of the magnitude of his sacrifice on the cross.

Moving to the third verse, we encounter the phrase “Jesus, gracious Jesus.” This description of Jesus emphasizes his kindness and generosity towards us. It reminds us that despite our flaws and shortcomings, he willingly died for us, demonstrating his grace and mercy. The hymn then encourages us to serve God in response to this gracious act. It reminds us that Jesus calls us to a of service and encourages us to remain steadfast in our commitment to him.

The final verse refers to Jesus as “faithful Jesus.” This description reminds us of his unwavering presence and reliability. It assures us that he will never forsake us, and this truth should give us courage as we face the challenges of each day. In a world that can be uncertain and unpredictable, we can take solace in the faithfulness of Jesus, knowing that he will always be with us.

In summary, this hymn poetically expresses the deep love and devotion we should have for Jesus. It invites us to recognize the central role he plays in our lives and encourages us to surrender ourselves to him completely. Through its powerful repetition and heartfelt lyrics, the hymn reminds us that Jesus is all we need and calls us to faithfully serve him. In an ever-changing world, the message of this hymn remains timeless and deeply meaningful – Jesus Only Jesus, He Is All We Need.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find solace and strength in Jesus - the only one we need. From his amazing love and sacrifice to his faithfulness, he is all in all. Devote yourself to him today. [160 characters]


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