Jesus Passed Through Jericho – Hymn Lyric

Discover the compassion and love of Jesus in the hymn "Jesus Passed Through Jericho." This powerful hymn highlights the story of a blind man seeking healing and serves as a reminder of the salvation Jesus offers to all who come to Him. Explore the significance of faith

Jesus Passed Through Jericho – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Passed Through Jericho: A Savior’s Compassion for the Lost and Sinful” In the hymn “Jesus Passed through Jericho,” we are reminded of the compassion and love that Jesus demonstrated during His time on earth. The verses of this hymn highlight the story of a blind man who sought healing from Jesus, but it also serves as a powerful reminder of the salvation that Jesus offers to all who to Him.


Jesus Passed Through Jericho – Hymn Lyric

Jesus pass’d thro’ Jericho,
as to the He went;
To the sinful and the lost
the of God was sent;
All the suff’ ones of earth,
the blind, the halt and lame,
Called His kind compassion forth,
for unto them He came.

Saviour, I believe;
Let me now my sight receive;
Christ of Jericho,
Let me Thy salvation know.

Jesus pass’d thro’ Jericho;
with joy the blind man heard;
Heeding not the world’s reproach,
he begg’d a healing word;
This his opportunity;
for him salvation’s day;
, I would receive my sight;
have mercy, now, I .” [Refrain]

Jesus pass’d thro’ Jericho,
and still He passeth by;
Would you from your sin be free?
to Him lift up your cry;
Call to Him in humble faith;
He now this way!
Lo, the Christ of Jericho
will save your today. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Jesus Passed Through Jericho

Jesus Passed Through Jericho: A Savior’s Compassion for the Lost and Sinful

In the hymn “Jesus Passed through Jericho,” we are reminded of the compassion and love that Jesus demonstrated during His time on earth. The verses of this hymn highlight the story of a blind man who sought healing from Jesus, but it also serves as a powerful reminder of the salvation that Jesus offers to all who come to Him.

The first verse tells us that Jesus passed through Jericho on His way to the cross. This journey demonstrates His willingness to go to great lengths to save the lost and sinful. Jesus came not for the righteous, but for those in need of His grace and mercy. Just like the blind man in the hymn, we are all in need of His healing and redemption.

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the importance of faith and belief in Jesus. The blind man believed that Jesus could restore his sight, and he called out to Him in faith. Similarly, we are called to believe in Jesus and to trust in His power to save us from our sins. By placing our faith in Him, we can receive the ultimate gift of salvation.

The second verse focuses on the blind man’s persistence and his recognition of the opportunity before him. Despite the world’s reproach, he ignored the opinions of others and begged for a healing word from Jesus. This blind man serves as an example of the kind of faith and determination we should have when approaching Jesus. It is through our persistence and unwavering trust in Him that we can experience His transformative power in our lives.

The third verse reminds us that Jesus continues to pass through Jericho, metaphorically speaking. He is still present in our lives today, ready to save and set us free from sin. This message is particularly relevant for those who long to be freed from the burdens of guilt, shame, and destructive habits. Jesus invites us to call out to Him in humble faith, assuring us that He will come and save us. Just as He saved the blind man in Jericho, He can save our souls today.

The title of the hymn, “Jesus Passed through Jericho,” serves as a poignant reminder of the key message within the lyrics. As a keyword for search engine optimization (SEO), it effectively captures the essence of the hymn and can attract readers who are seeking to better understand Jesus’ compassion for the lost and sinful.

Expanding on the ideas presented in the hymn, we can explore the concept of Jesus’ compassion and how it applies to our lives today. Jesus’ willingness to pass through Jericho, a town filled with , displays His boundless love for humanity. Despite our flaws and shortcomings, Jesus extends His hand to offer salvation and forgiveness.

It is important to note that the story of Jesus passing through Jericho is not just a historical event but a representation of His continuous presence in our lives. In our current society, filled with brokenness and despair, we can find comfort in knowing that Jesus is still passing through our “Jerichos.” He is searching for hearts that are open and receptive to His message of love and redemption.

Moreover, the example of the blind man in the hymn teaches us the importance of seizing opportunities to encounter Jesus. Just like the blind man, we should not allow the opinions of others or the fear of rejection to hinder us from approaching Jesus. Instead, we should approach Him with boldness and persistence, believing that He can transform our lives and grant us the sight we need to see Him clearly.

In conclusion, “Jesus Passed Through Jericho” is a beautiful hymn that reminds us of Jesus’ compassion, His willingness to save the lost and sinful, and the importance of faith in our relationship with Him. This hymn’s message resonates with readers today, as it speaks to the universal longing for healing, redemption, and salvation. By using the title “Jesus Passed Through Jericho” as an SEO keyword, we can ensure that those searching for answers regarding Jesus’ compassion and His to save will find this article, providing them with the hope and encouragement they need. So let us continue to lean on Jesus, the Christ of Jericho, and embrace His saving grace in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the compassion and love of Jesus in the hymn Jesus Passed Through Jericho. This powerful hymn highlights the story of a blind man seeking healing and serves as a reminder of the salvation Jesus offers to all who come to Him. Explore the significance of faith, persistence, and Jesus' continuous presence in our lives. Find hope and encouragement in the message of salvation.


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