Jesus Reigns His People Saving – Hymn Lyric

Discover the message of hope and victory in "Jesus Reigns His People Saving." Join in praising Jesus' eternal reign and find solace in his love and grace. Trust in his promises and overcome through prayer. Jesus

Jesus Reigns His People Saving – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Reigns His People Saving: A Message of Hope and Victory” is a powerful hymn that reminds us of Jesus’ reign and his role as our Savior. It emphasizes the boundless love, grace, and eternal he provides. We are called to proclaim his praise and trust in his royal protection, knowing that through prayer we can overcome any obstacle. This hymn brings comfort and assurance, inspiring us to joyfully serve and eagerly anticipate the of Jesus’ reign over and sorrow.


Jesus Reigns His People Saving – Hymn Lyric

Jesus reigns, his people saving,
Giver of eternal life;
See, his royal banner waving
Over fields of sin and strife!

Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Sound his praise from shore to shore;
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Jesus reigns .

Jesus reigns, his servants loyal
Tell the glad news ev’rywhere;
Trusting in his promise royal,
They will overcome, thro’ prayer.

Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Sound his praise from shore to shore;
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Jesus reigns forevermore.

Jesus reigns; the Meek and Lowly
Lives on high, King;
To his kingdom, pure and holy,
Joyful service let us bring.

Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Sound his praise from shore to shore;
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Jesus reigns forevermore.

Jesus reigns, and sin and sorrow
Shall be crushed beneath his feet,
On that grand triumphant morrow
When the “Lord of all” we greet.

Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Sound his praise from shore to shore;
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Jesus reigns forevermore.


Meaning of Jesus Reigns His People Saving

Jesus Reigns His People Saving: A Message of Hope and Victory

In a world filled with sin and strife, we find solace and hope in the knowledge that Jesus reigns. This powerful hymn reminds us that Jesus is not only our Savior but also the giver of eternal life. His love and grace are boundless, reaching all corners of the earth, and we are called to proclaim his praise from shore to shore.

The chorus of this hymn resounds with joyful hallelujahs, echoing the joyful proclamation of Jesus’ reign. It is a call for all believers to join together in and praise, recognizing the eternal reign of our Lord. We are reminded that Jesus reigns forevermore, and this truth brings comfort and assurance to our hearts.

As his loyal servants, we are called to spread the glad news of Jesus’ reign everywhere we go. In a world filled with uncertainty, we have the promise of Jesus’ royal protection. Our faith is not in vain, for through prayer, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. This gives us confidence and strength to face the challenges of life, knowing that Jesus is with us every step of the way.

Jesus, the Meek and Lowly, is now exalted as King. He reigns on high, and his kingdom is pure and holy. As his followers, we are called to service, joyfully bringing our gifts and talents to build his kingdom on earth. Our lives become an offering of love and obedience to our exalted King, and in doing so, we find purpose and fulfillment.

In the midst of sin and sorrow, we find hope in the triumph of Jesus’ reign. His power is greater than any darkness or despair that may surround us. As we place our trust in him, sin and sorrow will be crushed beneath his feet. The hymn points to a grand triumphant morrow when we will greet the “Lord of all” in all his . This is a future we eagerly anticipate, knowing that Jesus’ victory is assured.

The message of this hymn is one of hope and victory. It reminds us that no matter the circumstances we face, Jesus reigns supreme. His love and grace are available to all who trust in him. We are called to be his ambassadors, of his reign and living lives that reflect his love and character.

As we reflect on the words of this hymn, let us be encouraged and inspired to live for Jesus, knowing that he is our Savior and King. Let us proclaim his praise from shore to shore, sharing the message of his reign with all who are to listen. And let us hold fast to the hope of that grand triumphant morrow when we will dwell in the presence of our Lord forevermore. Hallelujah! Jesus reigns!


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the message of hope and victory in Jesus Reigns His People Saving. Join in praising Jesus' eternal reign and find solace in his love and grace. Trust in his promises and overcome through prayer. Jesus, the exalted King, brings joy and purity to his kingdom. In the midst of sin and sorrow, his power triumphs over all. Anticipate the day when we greet the Lord of all in glory. Spread the good news of Jesus' reign and live a life that reflects his love and character. Hallelujah! Jesus reigns!


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