Jesus Savior Of The Virgin Born – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus

Jesus Savior Of The Virgin Born – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Jesus Savior Of The Virgin Born” reminds us of the love and Jesus made for humanity. It emphasizes his role as the Savior, bringing hope to a lost world. Through his humble birth and divine power, Jesus offers light, freedom, and love to all who believe in him. Hallelujah!


Jesus Savior Of The Virgin Born – Hymn Lyric

Savior of Virgin born,
Sent to rescue a world forlorn,
Joyfully we our voices raise
And with the angels sing praise.

Son of , though enthroned on high,
In a manger Thou here didst He;
Thou hast assumed our flesh and ,
Who art in truth the greatest Good.

Thou whom can not enclose
Didst in Mary’s embrace repose;
Thou wert an infant weak and small,
Who by Thy pow’r upholdest all.

Light celestial, thou dost illume
Earth’s dominions, engulfed in gloom;
Thou dost dispel the dismal night,
And we are made the sons of light.

Here on earth Thou wert poor indeed,
Humbly sharing our ev’ry ,
That we in heaven rich may be,
From ev’ry earthly burden free.

This, O Lord, Thy great love to seal,
Thou to us wouldst this day reveal;
Let then all Christian here rejoice,
Thy praise with gladsome .


Meaning of Jesus Savior Of The Virgin Born

In the hymn “Jesus Savior Of The Virgin Born,” we are reminded of the incredible love and sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity. As we delve into the verses of this hymn, we gain a deeper understanding of the profound impact that Jesus had on the world.

The hymn begins by acknowledging Jesus as the Savior, emphasizing his role in bringing hope to a world that was lost. Jesus was sent by God to rescue humanity from the darkness and despair that plagued our lives. This act of divine love is something that we should all reflect upon and be grateful for.

The hymn goes on to express our joy and gratitude for Jesus through our voices raised in praise. It is through worship and adoration that we can truly connect with the love and grace that Jesus offers. Singing hallelujah, which is a word of praise and exaltation, allows us to express our deepest gratitude for the gift of Jesus in our lives.

Furthermore, the hymn highlights the unique nature of Jesus’ birth. He was born of a virgin, Mary, which is a miraculous event in itself. This emphasizes Jesus’ divinity and sets him apart from any other human being. Although born on earth, Jesus was still the Son of God, with a divine purpose to fulfill.

Despite being the Son of God, Jesus chose to humble himself and enter the world in the most humble of circumstances. He was born in a manger, surrounded by animals, rather than in a grand palace or a comfortable home. This act of humility demonstrates Jesus’ love for all humanity, regardless of their social status or worldly possessions.

The hymn also recognizes the immense power that Jesus holds. While heaven itself cannot confine him, he chose to rest in the embrace of Mary, his earthly mother. This imagery shows the connection between heaven and earth, as Jesus bridged the gap between the divine and the human. Through his birth, Jesus brought heaven’s light to a world overshadowed by darkness and despair.

Through Jesus’ light, the hymn declares, the dominions of the earth are illuminated. This light dispels the gloom and brings hope to the hopeless. It is through Jesus’ teachings and example that we are guided out of darkness and into the light. We are transformed into sons and daughters of light, destined for a life of love and righteousness.

In the next verse, the hymn acknowledges Jesus’ poverty during his time on earth. Despite being the Son of God, Jesus did not seek wealth or worldly possessions. Instead, he chose to share in our earthly struggles and needs. This act of solidarity reminds us that we are never alone in our difficulties, as Jesus understands and empathizes with our human experience.

The purpose behind Jesus’ humble existence on earth was to ultimately free us from the burdens of this world. By taking on our flesh and blood, Jesus not only identifies with our struggles but also offers us a way to find true freedom and richness in heaven. Through his sacrifice, we are granted the opportunity to be set free from the weight of and enjoy eternal life with God.

The hymn concludes by highlighting the significance and celebration of Jesus’ revelation to us. The birth of Jesus is not just a historical event, but a momentous occasion that all can rejoice in. It is a time to sing his praises with a joyful voice, expressing our gratitude for his amazing love and sacrifice.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Savior Of The Virgin Born” is a powerful reminder of the incredible love and sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Through his birth, Jesus brought hope, light, and freedom to a world that was lost in darkness and despair. As we reflect on the lyrics of this hymn, let us truly appreciate and celebrate the profound impact that Jesus has had on our lives. Hallelujah!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus, the Savior of the Virgin Born, through the inspiring hymn Jesus Savior Of The Virgin Born. Reflect on the profound impact of Jesus and his role in bringing hope, light, and freedom to the world. Celebrate his birth and express gratitude for his amazing love and sacrifice. Hallelujah!


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