Jesus Savior Unto Thy Thorne We Are Sending This Prayer – Hymn Lyric

Seeking guidance and wisdom from Jesus

Jesus Savior Unto Thy Thorne We Are Sending This Prayer – Hymn Lyric

In this heartfelt prayer, we seek guidance and wisdom from Jesus, our . We yearn to learn His teachings, embrace noble ideals, and choose the best in life. Through His grace, we strive to become disciples, embodying His love and compassion in all that we do. Our quest for wisdom and understanding is crowned with success when we live a life dedicated to Christ.


Jesus Savior Unto Thy Thorne We Are Sending This Prayer – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, Saviour,
Unto Thy throne we are sending this prayer,
Teach us, teach us, teach us Thy wonderful work to share;
We would seek noble and glorious things,
Highest that life affords;
We would gain wisdom and all that it brings,
All that Thy grace accords.

Teach us, teach us, teach us the holy desire of our quest,
Teach us, teach us, teach us in all things to choose the best.

Jesus, Saviour,
All that we seek is embodied in Thee,
Teach us, teach us loyal disciples of Thine to be;
Thus from the myriad lessons of life,
Ever we’ll choose the best;
Thus shall success be our prize in the strife,
Crowning our earthly quest.

Teach us, teach us, teach us the holy desire of our quest,
Teach us, teach us, teach us in all things to choose the best.


Meaning of Jesus Savior Unto Thy Thorne We Are Sending This Prayer

Jesus Savior: Unto Your throne we are sending this prayer

In our daily lives, we often find ourselves seeking guidance and understanding. We yearn to make the right choices and embark on a path that leads us to fulfillment and happiness. And in times of uncertainty, we turn to the one who can offer us the wisdom and grace we need – Jesus, our Savior.

Like a teacher who imparts to their students, we look up to Jesus to teach us His wonderful work. We desire to learn from Him, to understand His teachings, and to share His message with others. Just as a wise teacher imparts not only knowledge but also noble and glorious ideals, we seek to embrace the highest things that life has to offer.

Wisdom is a priceless , one that brings us closer to the heart of Jesus and helps us navigate the challenges and complexities of life. We long to gain wisdom, to grow in knowledge, and to embrace all that His grace accords us. Through His teachings, we learn the beauty of compassion, the importance of , and the power of love.

Teach us, Jesus, to choose the best in all things. Guide us in making decisions that align with Your will and purpose. In a world filled with distractions and temptations, us to discern what truly matters. May we always strive for what is honorable and virtuous, even when faced with adversity.

As we seek to become loyal disciples of Jesus, we recognize that our journey is not an easy one. Life presents us with countless lessons that shape us into who we are meant to be. And in the midst of these lessons, we strive to choose the best path, the one that brings us closer to Jesus and reflects His love and compassion.

Through the ups and downs of life, we turn to Jesus as our guiding light. His teachings serve as a compass, leading us towards success in our earthly quest. But what does success truly ? Is it measured in wealth, fame, or power? No, true success lies in living a life dedicated to Christ, embodying His love and teachings in all that we do.

Teach us, Jesus, the holy desire of our quest. Show us what truly matters in this world. May our hearts be filled with compassion, our minds open to learning, and our spirits grounded in faith. As we navigate the challenges of life, may we choose the best, the path that aligns with Your will and purpose.

Jesus, Savior, unto Your throne we send this prayer, knowing that You are always listening. May Your teachings guide us, inspire us, and transform us into the disciples You call us to be. In our quest for wisdom and understanding, may we never forget the importance of love, kindness, and .

As we embark on this journey, let us remember the words of the hymn that inspired this prayer. Teach us, teach us, teach us in all things to choose the best. Let this be our mantra, our guiding principle, as we navigate the and challenges of life. And may our earthly quest be crowned with success, not by worldly standards, but by the love and grace of our Savior Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Seeking guidance and wisdom from Jesus, our Savior? Join us in this prayer, as we strive to choose the best in all things and follow His teachings. Let His love and grace crown our earthly quest.


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