Jesus The Loving Shepherd – Hymn Lyric

Jesus The Loving Shepherd: A Call to Find Rest and Safety Enter the fold of safety with Jesus

Jesus The Loving Shepherd – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus The Loving : Find Rest and Safety in His Embrace” In the hymn “Jesus, the loving Shepherd,” we are encouraged to enter into the fold of safety, where Jesus lovingly calls us to find rest and protection. This hymn reminds us of Jesus’s unwavering and his for us, urging us to respond to his call and experience his all-inclusive love and care. Let us heed the call of the Shepherd and find solace in his embrace, knowing that we are never alone in our wanderings.


Jesus The Loving Shepherd – Hymn Lyric

the loving Shepherd,
Calleth now to
Into the fold of safety,
Where there is rest and room;
Come in the strength of manhood,
Come in the morn of ,
Enter the fold of safety,
Enter the way of truth.

Lovingly, tenderly calling is he,
“Wanderer, wanderer, come unto me;”
Patiently waiting, there standing I see
Jesus, my Shepherd .

the loving Shepherd,
Gave his dear life for thee;
Tenderly now he’s calling,
“Wanderer, come to me:”
Haste! for without is danger,
“Come,” cries the Shepherd blest;
Enter the fold of safety,
Enter the place of rest.


Lingering is but folly,
Wolves are abroad today,
Seeking the sheep who’re straying,
Seeking the lambs to slay;
the loving Shepherd,
Calleth thee now to come;
Enter the fold of safety,
Where there is rest and room.


Meaning of Jesus The Loving Shepherd

Jesus The Loving Shepherd: A Call to Find Rest and Safety

In the hymn “Jesus, the loving Shepherd,” we are reminded of the tender love and care that Jesus has for each and every one of us. The hymn invites us to enter into the fold of safety, where there is rest and room for all. Let us delve deeper into the beautiful message conveyed by this timeless hymn.

The hymn begins by calling us, the listeners, to heed the loving invitation of Jesus, the Shepherd. Just like a shepherd lovingly calls his sheep, Jesus calls us to come into His fold where we can find safety and rest. This invitation is extended to people of all ages – from the strength of manhood to the morn of youth. Jesus’s love is all-inclusive and knows no bounds.

We are reminded that Jesus, out of His infinite love, gave His life for us. His sacrifice exemplifies the depth of His love and compassion. It is in this context that He calls us tenderly, urging us to come to Him. The Shepherd’s voice is gentle, yet powerful, ensuring that His message resounds within our hearts.

The hymn warns us of the dangers that lie outside the fold. It emphasizes the urgency of responding to Jesus’s call and entering into His safety. In a filled with temptation and deception, Jesus stands as our protector. He knows that lingering outside the fold is nothing but folly. Like a shepherd who rescues his sheep from lurking wolves, Jesus wants to save us from harm and lead us to a place of safety.

As we reflect on the hymn, we can draw parallels to our own lives. Just as the hymn speaks of sheep straying and being sought by wolves, we may find ourselves lost and vulnerable at times. The world around us can be unforgiving and harsh. However, Jesus’s invitation to enter His fold reassures us that we are never alone in our wanderings. He patiently awaits our return, longing to guide us back to safety and peace.

The hymn concludes with a repetition of the refrain, emphasizing the persistent and steadfast love of Jesus. He calls out to us, tenderly and lovingly, urging us to come unto Him. His divine presence is always there, waiting for us to respond to His call. As we listen to His voice and accept His invitation, we find solace in the comforting embrace of our Shepherd.

This beautiful hymn serves as a reminder of Jesus’s unconditional love for each one of us. It encourages us to find rest and safety in His presence, from the dangers and distractions of the world. Jesus’s love knows no bounds, and His invitation is open to all who are to accept it. As we navigate through life, let us heed the call of the loving Shepherd and find solace in His embrace.

In conclusion, “Jesus, the loving Shepherd” touches the hearts of listeners with its profound message of love, safety, and rest. Through this hymn, we are reminded of Jesus’s tender care and His unwavering commitment to our well-being. The hymn’s call to enter into the fold of safety resonates with readers of all ages, emphasizing the timeless truth of Jesus’s love. As we reflect on these lyrics, let us respond to Jesus’s call, find rest in His presence, and experience the boundless love of the Shepherd who cares for us all.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Jesus The Loving Shepherd: A Call to Find Rest and Safety Enter the fold of safety with Jesus, the loving Shepherd. Experience His unwavering love and find rest in His comforting embrace. Respond to His call and discover true peace.


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