Jesus This Midday Hour Of Prayer – Hymn Lyric

"Seeking Guidance

Jesus This Midday Hour Of Prayer – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus This Midday Hour Of Prayer: Finding Strength and Unity in God’s Presence. In our busy lives, it’s important to take a moment to pause and connect with God through prayer. This hymn reminds us to consecrate this specific time to Jesus, seeking His guidance, strength, and unity as we come together in worship.”


Jesus This Midday Hour Of Prayer – Hymn Lyric

this mid-day hour of prayer
We consecrate to ;
Forgetful of each earthly care,
We would thy glory see.

We come thy presence to implore;
Oh, teach us how to pray!
Impart to us thy Spirit’s power–
Thy saving grace display.

Baptize with energy
The contrite soul afresh;
Oh, bow the stubborn will to thine,
And give the of .

Unite our heart, unite our tongues,
In lofty praise to thee;
Accept the tribute of our songs,
Holy One in Three.


Meaning of Jesus This Midday Hour Of Prayer

Jesus This Midday Hour Of Prayer: Seeking Guidance, Strength, and Unity in God’s Presence

In our busy lives, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the around us. We find ourselves constantly rushing from one appointment to another, consumed by earthly cares and obligations. However, in the midst of our hectic schedules, it is important to pause, take a breath, and seek solace in the presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The hymn, “Jesus This Midday Hour Of Prayer,” beautifully captures the essence of this crucial moment in our day. It reminds us to set aside our earthly worries and consecrate this specific time to Jesus, focusing on His glory and seeking His guidance and strength. Through prayer, we can tap into the power of the Holy Spirit and experience the transformative grace of God.

Prayer is more than just reciting words or going through the motions; it is about connecting with the divine and opening ourselves up to the love and wisdom of our Heavenly . The hymn implores Jesus to teach us how to pray, highlighting our need for His guidance in this essential spiritual practice. As 7th graders, it is important to understand that prayer is a personal and intimate conversation with God, where we can pour out our hearts, share our joys and sorrows, and seek His will for our lives.

When we pray, we invite the Spirit of God to dwell within us and empower us with divine energy. The hymn’s plea for Jesus to baptize our contrite souls afresh reflects our desire for spiritual renewal and transformation. We understand that we are broken and in need of God’s healing touch. By surrendering our stubborn will to His divine authority, we allow Him to mold us into vessels of His love and grace. As 7th graders, it is crucial to recognize that we are not perfect, but rather a work in progress. We can turn to Jesus in prayer to ask for His strength to overcome our weaknesses and to guide us along the path of righteousness.

Additionally, the hymn emphasizes the importance of unity in our prayers. It urges us to unite our hearts and tongues in lofty praise to God. As a community of believers, we are called to worship and honor the Triune God – Father, , and Holy Spirit. This unity in prayer fosters a sense of togetherness and mutual support among believers. As 7th graders, we are learning to navigate relationships and form friendships. Praying together helps us grow closer to one another and strengthens our bonds as we seek the common goal of glorifying God.

As we offer our songs of praise, we recognize that Jesus is the “Holy One in Three.” This acknowledgement reflects our belief in the Holy Trinity and affirms Jesus’ divine nature. It is a reminder that as we pray to Jesus, we are praying to the God of creation, the One who is worthy of all honor and adoration. This realization deepens our reverence and awe for God, shaping our prayers with humility and .

In conclusion, “Jesus This Midday Hour Of Prayer” reminds us to pause in the midst of our busy lives and dedicate this moment to seek God’s presence, guidance, and strength. Through prayer, we can experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to renew our hearts and shape our lives. As we unite our hearts and tongues in praise, we grow closer together as a community of believers, supporting one another in our journey of . May this hymn serve as a reminder to all of us, regardless of age, to prioritize prayer and seek the presence of Jesus in our lives.


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