Jesus Thou Lamb Of God Save Save Thou Me – Hymn Lyric

Seek salvation and forgiveness in the hymn "Jesus

Jesus Thou Lamb Of God Save Save Thou Me – Hymn Lyric

Titled “Jesus Thou Lamb of God Save Save Thou Me,” this heartfelt hymn expresses a sincere plea for salvation and forgiveness. The singer acknowledges their troubled spirit and presents their broken to Jesus, seeking solace and comfort. With a humble and vulnerable tone, the hymn reflects the inner turmoil and of the individual, emphasizing their deep yearning for connection and the reassurance that only Jesus can provide.


Jesus Thou Lamb Of God Save Save Thou Me – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, Thou Lamb of God,
Save, save Thou me;
Troubled in spirit,
Lord, I bring to Thee,
Only a broken heart,
Only a sigh;
Lord, in Thy Name I come,
Pass me not by.

Here at Thy I bend,
, alone;
O for one look of Thine,
One tone;
Here, like a bruised reed,
Helpless I lie;
Lord, in Thy Name I come,
Pass me not by.

Though I am sinful now,
Weak and defiled,
Lord, I am penitent,
Make me Thy child;
Here at the fountain’s brink,
Fainting I lie;
Lord, in Thy Name I come,
Pass me not by.

Lord, Thou canst make me clean,
Heal Thou my soul;
Let me but touch Thy hand,
I shall be whole,
Thou wilt not leave me here,
Hopeless to die;
Lord, in Thy Name I come,
Pass me not by.


Meaning of Jesus Thou Lamb Of God Save Save Thou Me

In this beautiful hymn, titled “Jesus, Thou Lamb of God, Save, save Thou me,” the singer expresses their heartfelt plea to Jesus for salvation and forgiveness. Written in a humble and vulnerable tone, the verses reflect the inner turmoil and repentance of the individual, who brings nothing but a broken heart and a sigh to the Lord.

The hymn begins with the singer acknowledging their troubled spirit and presenting their broken heart to Jesus. It is a powerful reminder that no matter how distressed we might feel, we can always turn to Jesus for solace and comfort. The simple repetition of the phrase “Save, save Thou me” emphasizes the urgency and sincerity of the request.

As the singer approaches the cross of Jesus, they express their longing for a single look or a loving tone from Him. This demonstrates a deep yearning for Divine connection and the reassurance that only Jesus can provide. The imagery of a bruised reed depicts the singer’s vulnerable state, highlighting their complete dependence on the Lord’s mercy and compassion.

Despite acknowledging their sinfulness and defilement, the singer for forgiveness and a chance to be transformed into a child of God. This demonstrates a genuine sense of remorse and a for redemption. The imagery of the fountain’s brink symbolizes the singer’s desperate thirst for spiritual cleansing and renewal.

The hymn goes on to state the singer’s belief in Jesus’ power to heal and make them clean. The mention of touching Jesus’ hand as a source of wholeness alludes to the biblical accounts of people seeking Jesus’ touch for healing. This portrays the singer’s unwavering faith in Jesus’ ability to grant complete restoration and salvation.

Importantly, the singer holds onto the comforting assurance that Jesus will never leave them hopeless to die. This conviction in Jesus’ unfailing presence and love reveals a deep trust and reliance on Him. Even in their weakest and most vulnerable state, the singer finds solace in the knowledge that Jesus will never abandon them.

The title of this hymn, “Jesus Thou Lamb of God Save, save Thou me,” serves as an SEO keyword that can help this piece rank in search results. By incorporating this title into various sections of the article, it becomes more likely to reach a wider audience who may be searching for discussions or interpretations of this hymn.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully portrays the genuine plea for salvation, forgiveness, and healing. The humble and vulnerable tone reflects the singer’s deep longing for Jesus’ mercy and grace. It serves as a reminder that no matter how broken or sinful we might feel, we can always turn to Jesus, the Lamb of God, who is to save and redeem us. May this hymn, with its timeless message, inspire us to seek Jesus’ presence in our lives and find comfort in His unfailing love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Seek salvation and forgiveness in the hymn Jesus, Thou Lamb of God, Save, save Thou me. Experience the heartfelt plea for redemption and the comforting assurance of Jesus' unfailing love.


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