Jesus With You Is Pleading – Hymn Lyric

Experience the love and compassion of Jesus. Come

Jesus With You Is Pleading – Hymn Lyric

Feeling lost or burdened? Jesus is always pleading for you to to Him, offering , comfort, and peace. Whether sin is weighing you down or life’s burdens are heavy, lean on Him and find solace in His loving embrace. Don’t let the enslave you – Christ to save you, offering sweet peace and rest in His presence. Come, sinner, come – find solace and salvation in the arms of our Savior, Jesus.


Jesus With You Is Pleading – Hymn Lyric

Jesus with you is pleading,
Come, sinner, come;
Tenderly interceding,
Come, sinner, come.

O, do not turn away,
His loving call ,
Still, still, with you He’s pleading,
Come, sinner, come.

Is sin your soul oppressing,
Come, sinner, come;
Come, all your guilt confessing,
Come, sinner, come.

He will your sins forgive,
He’ll bid you “Look and live,”
Come and receive a blessing,
Come, sinner, come.

Say, is your burden heavy?
Come, sinner, come;
Are you of weary?
Come, sinner, come.

He will your burden bear,
And all your share,
Now, while for you we’re praying,
Come, sinner, come.

Let not the world enslave you,
Come, sinner, come;
Christ died that He might save you,
Come, sinner, come.

Come, lean upon His breast,
Here find sweet peace and rest,
Now, while for you we’re praying,
Come, sinner, come.


Meaning of Jesus With You Is Pleading

Are you feeling lost or burdened? Do you someone to lean on in tough times? Jesus is here for you, always ready to welcome you with open arms. He is pleading for you to come to Him, offering forgiveness, comfort, and peace.

When you feel like sin is weighing you down, remember that Jesus is tenderly interceding for you. He wants you to come to Him, your sins, and receive His forgiveness. Don’t turn away from His loving call – instead, obey and find solace in His grace.

If you are struggling with the heavy burdens of life, Jesus is the one who can lighten your load. He will bear your burdens and share your sorrows, giving you the strength to carry on. Don’t let the world enslave you – Christ died to save you, offering you sweet peace and rest in His loving embrace.

So, when you feel weary and alone, remember that Jesus is always there, ready to welcome you with open arms. He is pleading for you to come to Him, offering you forgiveness, comfort, and peace. Don’t hesitate to lean upon His breast and find solace in His presence.

No matter what you may be going through, Jesus is always there for you, pleading for you to come to Him. So, take a moment to pause, breathe, and listen to His loving call. Come, sinner, come – find rest, peace, and salvation in the arms of our Savior.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the love and compassion of Jesus. Come, sinner, come and find forgiveness, comfort, and peace in His arms. Lean on Him for strength and solace. Jesus is pleading for you - don't hesitate to come to Him.


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