Join All The Names Of Love And Power – Hymn Lyric
“Join All The Names Of Love And Power: Experiencing the Divine Love and Grace of Immanuel” is a profound hymn that explores the incomparable worth of Immanuel, illustrating his various roles and the ways he reveals his love and grace to humanity. Through his condescension as the Angel of the covenant, his guiding and protecting presence as our Shepherd, and his redemptive work as our Surety, High Priest, and Advocate, Immanuel’s love shines forth in sovereign ways, offering hope and assurance in every aspect of our lives. This hymn serves as a powerful reminder of the depth of God’s love and the transformative impact it can have on our hearts and souls.
Table of Contents
Join All The Names Of Love And Power – Hymn Lyric
Join all the names of love and power
That ever men or angels bore,
All are too mean to speak his worth,
Or set Lmmannel’s glory forth.
But O what condescending ways
He takes to teach his heav’nly grace
My eyes with joy and wonder see
What forms of love he bears for me.
[The Angel of the cov’nant stands
With his commission in his hands,
Sent from his Father’s milder throne,
To make the great salvation known.]
[Great Prophet! let me bless thy name;
By thee the joyful tidings came
Of wrath appeased, of sins forgiv’n,
Of hell subdued, and peace with heav’u.]
[My bright Example and my Guide,
I would be walking near thy side;
O let me never run astray,
Nor follow the forbidden way!]
[I love my Shepherd, he shall keep
My wand’ring soul among his sheep;
He feeds his flock, he calls their names,
And in his bosom bears the lambs.]
[My Surety undertakes my cause,
Answering his Father’s broken laws:
Behold my soul at freedom set,
My Surety paid the dreadful debt.]
[Jesus, my great High Priest, has died;
I seek no sacrifice beside;
His blood did once for all atone,
And now it pleads before the throne.]
[My Advocate appears on high,
The Father lays his thunder by;
Not all that earth or hell can say
Shall turn my Father’s heart away.]
[My Lord, my Conqueror, and my King!
Thy sceptre and thy sword I sing;
Thine is the vict’ry, and I sit
A joyful subject at thy feet.]
[Aspire, my soul, to glorious deeds,
The Captain of salvation leads;
March on, nor fear to win the day,
Though death and hell obstruct the way.]
[Should death, and hell, and powers unknown,
Put all their forms of mischief on,
I shall be safe; for Christ displays
Salvation in more sovereign ways.]
Meaning of Join All The Names Of Love And Power
Join All The Names Of Love And Power: Experiencing the Divine Love and Grace of Immanuel
In the hymn “Join All the Names of Love and Power,” the lyrics beautifully articulate the profound and incomparable worth of Immanuel, as well as the various ways in which he reveals his love and grace to humanity. These words invite us to reflect on the glory and condescension of Immanuel, our Savior, who comes to teach and exemplify heavenly grace. As we delve into the verses, we will explore the significance of each name and role attributed to Immanuel, recognizing the depth of his love and the assurance it brings to our lives.
The hymn begins by declaring that all names of love and power ever known to men and angels pale in comparison to the worth of Immanuel. His glory is beyond measure or description. It is humbling to contemplate how this divine being could choose to reveal himself in such a personal and intimate way. We are invited to marvel at the condescension of Immanuel, who takes on human form to impart his grace and love to us.
Immanuel is described as the “Angel of the covenant,” a messenger sent from his Father’s throne to make known the great salvation of humanity. In this role, he brings tidings of joy, announcing the appeasement of wrath, forgiveness of sins, and the victory over hell. This prophetic imagery reminds us of the hope and redemption that Immanuel brings through his sacrificial work.
The hymn emphasizes Immanuel’s role as both our example and guide. Walking in close proximity to him prevents us from straying onto forbidden paths. As an example, he provides a model of righteousness and obedience, teaching us how to live in accordance with God’s divine plan. In this aspect, he becomes our reliable shepherd, nurturing and protecting our souls within his loving care. Like a shepherd who knows his flock by name, Immanuel calls us individually, guiding us in the right direction while embracing and carrying those who feel lost or vulnerable.
The hymn transitions to the theme of salvation, highlighting another significant role of Immanuel as our Surety. Acting as our representative, he undertakes our cause, satisfying his Father’s broken laws. Through his selfless sacrifice, our souls find freedom and release from the burdensome and dreadful debt of sin. It is through Immanuel that we can experience the fullness of forgiveness and restoration.
Drawing on the biblical imagery of sacrifice and priesthood, the hymn portrays Immanuel as our great High Priest. His death on the cross atones for all sins, eradicating the need for any other form of sacrifice. His redeeming blood continues to intercede and plead for us before the heavenly throne, ensuring that we are forever reconciled with God. Such is the power of Immanuel’s priestly role in our lives.
The hymn further expresses the unwavering assurance we find in Immanuel’s role as our Advocate. Because of his intercession and defense, nothing can shake the love the Father has for his children. It does not matter what accusations Satan may hurl or what temptations the world may present; our Father’s heart remains unyielding in his love and mercy. With Immanuel as our Advocate, we can rest assured in the constancy of our Father’s love and support.
The hymn concludes by exalting Immanuel as our Lord, Conqueror, and King. He wields the scepter of authority and the sword of victory. In his triumph, we find refuge and become joyful subjects at his feet. The hymn invites our souls to aspire to glorious deeds, as we follow the Captain of our salvation. Even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles such as death and hell, we can confidently march forward, knowing that Immanuel leads us and ensures ultimate victory.
The closing lines of the hymn affirm that no matter how formidable the forces of evil may appear, Immanuel shines forth with salvation in sovereign ways. We find solace in the realization that he remains our ultimate source of protection, bringing deliverance through paths we could never fathom. This reassurance strengthens our faith, enabling us to face any trial or tribulation that may come our way.
As we reflect upon the hymn “Join All the Names of Love and Power,” we are reminded of the immeasurable worth of Immanuel. In his condescension and sacrifice, he reveals different facets of his love and grace, drawing us closer to him. From his prophetic role as the Angel of the covenant to his ministry as our Shepherd, Surety, High Priest, and Advocate, Immanuel leaves no doubt about his unconditional love and unwavering support. May these words serve as a constant reminder of his immense love for us and inspire us to live lives that reflect his incredible grace.
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