Keep Me Near Thee Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Embrace divine presence and guidance with heartfelt hymn "Keep Me Near Thee Blessed Jesus." Find solace in spiritual companionship and illumination.

Keep Me Near Thee Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

**Nurturing Divine Connection: Walking in the Light of Presence** In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the hymn “Keep Me Near Thee, Jesus” serves as a heartfelt reminder to stay close to the divine source of love and strength. By embracing vulnerability and seeking divine guidance, we can tread our path with courage and grace. Let us draw to the loving presence of Jesus, finding solace and rest in the comforting embrace of divine love.


Keep Me Near Thee Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Keep me near Thee, blessed Jesus,
Keep me near Thee lest I stray;
With Thy mighty hand uphold me,
Lead me gently all the way.

Life without Thee would be dreary,
Cheerless all my path would be;
But while walking in Thy presence,
Heaven’s glory shines on me.

Keep me near Thee, precious Savior,
Many snares are by the way;
‘Neath Thy balmy wings protect me,
Draw me nearer Thee each day.


Help me live so near Thee, Jesus,
That Thy whispers I may hear,
Let me feel Thy arms around me
When the hand of danger’s near.


Draw me nearer, blessed Jesus,
Closely fold me to Thy breast;
Pillowed on Thy loving bosom,
Let me ever rest.



Meaning of Keep Me Near Thee Blessed Jesus

In our ever-bustling lives, marked by endless tasks and unforeseen challenges, we often seek solace and guidance to navigate our pathways. There are moments when the burden feels overwhelmingly heavy, and the road ahead looks bleak. It’s during these times that we find ourselves yearning for a gentle, guiding hand to lead us through the shadows.

The words of the hymn – a poignant plea to be kept near the presence of the divine – provide us with a beautiful template for deep introspection and spiritual growth. “Keep me near Thee, blessed Jesus, keep me near Thee lest I stray;” these words gently echo our own need to stay connected, to remain close to a source of love and strength greater than ourselves.

A Path Illuminated by Presence

Contemplating the path without paints a picture of desolation and cheerlessness. Such an existence, stripped of the comforting warmth of spiritual companionship, can indeed feel dreary. And yet, it is through acknowledging this potential darkness that we are invited to step into the light. By walking in divine presence, we allow our burdens to be alleviated, and suddenly, what once seemed insurmountable is imbued with hope and possibility. Heaven’s glory, as the hymn beautifully declares, shines upon us, transforming our journey into one of illumination and grace.

Vulnerability in Faith

There is profound vulnerability in our plea to be led and upheld. Admitting that we are susceptible to straying, that snares exist along our path, is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our humanity. “Many snares are by the way” – these words remind us that life is fraught with challenges, both seen and unseen. By seeking the protection ‘neath the balmy wings of divine love, we are not running from these challenges but finding the strength to face them. It is an affirmation that, in our vulnerability, we are never truly alone.

Whispers of Divine Guidance

To live so near to our spiritual guide that we can hear the whispers of wisdom is a blessing of profound intimacy. In our busy lives, it can be easy to miss these subtle nudges, yet they are often the very guidance we need. Letting ourselves feel wrapped in loving arms, especially when danger’s hand is near, reminds us of the encompassing protection and care available to us every moment. It is a call to quiet our minds and open our hearts to the whispers that lead us gently forward.

Embracing the Loving Fold

“Draw me nearer, blessed Jesus,” – this plea for closeness is an invitation to surrender wholly to love and care. Imagining ourselves pillowed on the breast of divine love allows us to visualize a state of sweet rest and complete acceptance. This is not merely a physical rest but a deep spiritual respite that rejuvenates our souls. It reassures us that our worth is intrinsic, that we are deeply loved and valued beyond measure.

In closing, my dear friends, let us remember that our journey, though arduous at times, is interwoven with the divine strands of love and guidance. Embracing our vulnerability, seeking presence in our daily moments, listening for the whispers of wisdom, and folding ourselves into the loving bosom of the divine – these are the steps toward a life of enriched spirituality and deepened connection.

May you walk your path with courage, wrapped in the comforting embrace of divine love, and may you find joy and peace in every step.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace divine presence and guidance with heartfelt hymn Keep Me Near Thee Blessed Jesus. Find solace in spiritual companionship and illumination.


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