Keep Step With Jesus He Who Leads – Hymn Lyric

Keep step with Jesus: He Who leads

Keep Step With Jesus He Who Leads – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Keep Step With Jesus: He Who Leads,” we are reminded of the importance of following Jesus as our guiding light. By aligning our actions, thoughts, and desires with His teachings, we position ourselves for and success. Though the may be uncertain, in Jesus’s plan for our lives leads us to a life filled with purpose, blessings, and endless love.


Keep Step With Jesus He Who Leads – Hymn Lyric

Keep step with Jesus:
He Who leads
Should surely set the ,
Keep step with Jesus, would’st thou be
A victor in the race.

Not over-running His sweet will,
Nor lagging behind;
Who walk with Jesus, only these
The road to blessing find.

O happy they who fear to take
One single step alone;
But, led by Him, will dare to tread
The pathless depths unknown.

This sacred path man koweth not,
Save only such as bow
To take His yoke, and breathe to Him-
“Thou art my portion now.”

They tread it, and with quiet
Have learnt-are learning still,
That not a single good outlies
The circle of His will.


Meaning of Keep Step With Jesus He Who Leads

In life, it is crucial to find someone to follow, someone who can guide us on the right path. And when it comes to finding that guiding light, who better to follow than Jesus? The hymn “Keep Step With Jesus: He Who Leads” beautifully emphasizes the importance of staying in tune with Jesus, for He is the one who can us true peace and victory in our .

To keep step with Jesus means to align our actions, thoughts, and desires with His teachings and example. It means walking side by side with Him, not overrunning His will or lagging far behind. This requires a delicate balance – not rushing ahead of Him in our own impatience, nor falling back and losing sight of His guiding light.

When we keep step with Jesus, we position ourselves for blessings and success. Walking with Him enables us to navigate the ups and downs of life with confidence and purpose. By staying close to Jesus, we tap into His wisdom, His strength, and His love, which empower us to face any challenges that come our way.

It is important to acknowledge that following Jesus does not guarantee a smooth, effortless journey. In fact, the hymn recognizes that walking with Jesus may lead us into uncharted territory, into the pathless depths unknown. But here is where our trust in Him is tested and strengthened. We may not always understand where He is leading us, but we can be assured that His plan is always for our ultimate good.

To keep step with Jesus, we must first and foremost fear not taking a single step alone. This means recognizing our for Him, humbling ourselves before Him, and surrendering our own desires and plans to Him. It takes courage to trust that Jesus knows what is best for us, even when we cannot see the way ahead. But when we dare to tread the path with Him, we open ourselves up to His guidance and the limitless possibilities that unfold.

When we choose to keep step with Jesus, we discover that the path He leads us on is sacred and filled with purpose. It is a path that the world may not understand or appreciate, but that does not make it any less valuable or rewarding. Only those who take up His yoke and declare Him their portion find the true treasures that lie along this road.

As we walk with Jesus, our hearts grow quieter and more at peace. We learn that true contentment and fulfillment come from aligning our will with His, from embracing His plans and purposes for our lives. We let go of the need to chase after worldly success or temporary pleasures, knowing that nothing lies beyond the circle of His will that surpasses the goodness He has in store for us.

So, dear , I encourage you to keep step with Jesus: He who leads. Let Him be your guiding light, your source of peace and victory. Trust in His plans for your life, even when the path seems uncertain. Stay close to Him, learn from Him, and allow Him to shape your journey. In doing so, you will discover a life filled with purpose, blessings beyond measure, and a love that never fails.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Keep step with Jesus: He Who leads, the key to finding peace and victory in life. Trust in His guidance, align your actions to His teachings, and embrace His plans for blessings and purpose. Discover the love that never fails.


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