Keep Telling The Story Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beautiful message behind the hymn "Keep Telling The Story Of Love." Learn how love can heal

Keep Telling The Story Of Love – Hymn Lyric

“Keep Telling The Story Of Love” reminds us of the power of love and the importance of spreading its message. This encourages us to continue sharing the story of Jesus, his teachings of love and forgiveness, and the it offers. By embodying love in our words and actions, we can make a difference in the and bring to those in need.


Keep Telling The Story Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Keep telling the Story of Love,
Keep telling the Story of Love;
That all who believe might salvation receive,
Keep telling the Story of Love.


Meaning of Keep Telling The Story Of Love

Do you ever wonder why people sing and spiritual songs in ? Well, it’s because these songs have a way of lifting our spirits and filling our hearts with joy. One hymn that does just that is called “Keep Telling The Story Of Love.” Let’s take a closer look at this hymn and the beautiful message it conveys.

The first verse of the hymn goes like this:

“Keep telling the Story of Love,

Keep telling the Story of Love;

That all who believe might salvation receive,

Keep telling the Story of Love.”

As we sing these words, we are reminded of the incredible power of love. Love is what brings people together, heals wounds, and gives us hope. In this hymn, we are encouraged to keep spreading the story of love so that everyone can experience the salvation and joy it brings.

But what is the story of love that this hymn refers to? It is the story of Jesus , who to this world to show us what true love looks like. Jesus taught us to love one another, to be kind and compassionate, and to forgive those who hurt us. He laid down his life on the out of love for all humanity, so that we could be saved.

This story of love is not just something that happened in the past; it is a story that continues to unfold in our lives today. Each day, we have the opportunity to love others, to show kindness, and to share the hope we have in Jesus. When we do these things, we are keeping the story of love alive, just as this hymn encourages us to do.

Imagine a world where everyone lived out the story of love. Imagine a world where kindness and compassion were the norm, where forgiveness was freely given, and where people genuinely cared for one another. It may seem like a far-fetched dream, but it is possible when we choose to keep telling the story of love.

Sometimes, in a world filled with so much hatred and division, it can be hard to believe in the power of love. But this hymn reminds us that love is stronger than anything else. It has the power to heal broken relationships, to bring hope to the hopeless, and to transform lives.

So how can we keep telling the story of love? It starts with our words and actions. We can choose to speak words of encouragement and love, to build others up instead of tearing them down. We can show kindness to those in need, whether it’s through a simple act of service or lending a listening ear. We can choose to forgive those who have hurt us, just as Jesus forgave us.

But telling the story of love is not just about what we say and do; it’s about who we are. It’s about allowing the love of God to shine through us in everything we do. When people look at our lives, they should see a reflection of God’s love and grace. They should see someone who unconditionally, just as Jesus loves us.

When we keep telling the story of love, we are not just spreading a feel-good message; we are sharing the hope and salvation that comes from knowing Jesus. When people see the love and joy in our lives, they will want to know what makes us different. And that is our opportunity to share the story of Jesus and the incredible love he has for each and every one of us.

So let’s take the words of this hymn to heart and make it our mission to keep telling the story of love. Let’s spread love and kindness wherever we go, and let’s be a living testimony of God’s love and grace. Together, we can make a difference in this world and bring hope to those who need it most.

As we close, let’s remember the words of this beautiful hymn:

“Keep telling the Story of Love,

Keep telling the Story of Love;

That all who believe might salvation receive,

Keep telling the Story of Love.”

May we never grow tired of sharing this incredible story of love that has the power to change lives and transform the world. Keep telling the story of love, my friends, and watch as lives are touched and hearts are forever changed.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beautiful message behind the hymn Keep Telling The Story Of Love. Learn how love can heal, bring hope, and transform lives. Spread the incredible story of love and make a difference in the world.


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